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Re: Expire and Delete again

Simon Josefsson <jas@pdc.kth.se> writes:

> David S. Goldberg <dsg@mitre.org> writes:
> > That said, I agree that there is a problem as you describe it.  It
> > seems to me that the ideal solution would be for nnimap to recognize
> > messages marked with \Delete as it downloads the headers and cause the
> > summary generation to mark the article with something other than O.  I
> > don't know how hard it would be to do that or if that would require
> > defining a new mark.
> Yes, this would also be a perfectly valid solution and you don't get
> the problem with expunging in other clients.

On second thought there is a slight problem with this scheme. Nnimap
shouldn't issue EXPUNGE when it exit mailboxes. If it doesn't there
need to be some way to physically remove \Deleted articles.

If \Deleted == Expire-marks the expire process would be just this and
everything would be fine.

Now, \Deleted != Expire-marks and one would need to use `G x' manually
once in a while. Auto-expire and total-expire is a automated method of
NOT doing things manually once in a while so this isn't a perfect

What do you think?