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Re: Server-Based Splitting?

Message-ID: <SIMEON.9807310902.I19946@warhol.esys.ca>
Priority: NORMAL
X-Mailer: Simeon for Aix Motif Version Mercury a8 Build (11)
MIME-Version: 1.0

> Does any server at all support Sieve filtering?  I would expect to see
> it in Cyrus, but I didn't see any mentioning about it when I installed
> cyrus imapd.
> Sieve looks like the "standard" for filtering, but it still would need
> server-specific configurations since this isn't the IMAP protocol. It
> would also require that some server supported it.. ;-)

I'm unaware of any server that implements SIEVE today. I expect there are some 
experimental things out there, however SIEVE is still moving too quickly for 
anyone to attempt any kind of a public release. My hope is that the Chicago 
IETF will see some of the controversial aspects of SIEVE get nailed down, at 
which point we can start rolling beta product out.

As for support, while SIEVE is targeted to run primarily in the message 
delivery agent (MDA), a design goal of the language is to make it flexible 
enough to be generally applicable to any mail filtering task. There's nothing 
to preclude an MUA from executing SIEVE scripts, and in fact this may be one 
way to deal with MUA specific display of MIME body parts that the MUA can't 
handle natively. (This works especially well with a rich ACAP database that 
has knowledge of both the MUA's and the workstations capabilities.)

There's nothing that ties SIEVE to IMAP. It works just as well with POP3 or 
file based message stores, although non-IMAP message stores won't necessarily 
be able to use all the facilities of SIEVE due to their limited functionality.
(Well, MH will be able to make it sweat :-)

Having said that, you can almost always assume some type of an IMAP slant on
my messages, since that's what I do for my day job :-)
