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Re: nnimap article editing revisited

>>>>> Simon Josefsson <jas@pdc.kth.se>:

> Is there a way to edit the local copy of a dormant article?  This
> looks like a promising solution to me.

> Mark a article as dormant and edit it. If the backend support article
> editing, all is fine and you just replace the article in the backend
> and in the local spool, like it currently does (I imagine). If the
> backend doesn't support article editing, it saves the article to the
> local spool and mark the article with a new mark `M' or something to
> indicate that it has been locally modified.

> At least I would be very happy with this, I like to keep the original
> mail unmodified and have my modifications elsewhere.

That *would* be a way to go, and it would work for me most of the
time, since I do most of my email reading from one location...

Hm... one thing is that I would like local edited copies to expire
when the master article is expired on the IMAP server.

Is this doable?