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Problems with 0.3.7

I did some playing and here's what I found:

1) I added the following to my .gnus:

        (setq gnus-select-method '(nnml ""))
        (setq nnmail-spool-file "/usr/mail/colman")

        (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnmbox "ppllc")))
        (require  'nnimap)
        (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods 
                 (nnimap-server-address "truman")
                 (nnimap-list-pattern  '("INBOX")))))

Gnus selected my unix-based mail correctly but did nothing with regards to
truman.  I told it to fetch new groups but it said there were none.  What
should I have done, or what should gnus have done with respect to truman and
the mail in my INBOX?

2) I went to the server buffer where I already had an open connection to
   truman.  If I try to enter the server, I get the following backtrace:

Signaling: (wrong-type-argument sequencep quote)
  funcall(nnimap-request-list "truman")
  gnus-request-list((nnimap "truman" (nnimap-server-address "truman") (nnimap-list-pattern (quote ...))))
  (prog2 (gnus-message 6 "Reading active file...") (gnus-request-list method) (gnus-message 6 "Reading active file...done"))
  (not (prog2 (gnus-message 6 "Reading active file...") (gnus-request-list method) (gnus-message 6 "Reading active file...done")))
  (cond ((not ...) (gnus-message 1 "Unable to contact server %s: %s" ... ...) nil) ((not ...) (gnus-message 1 "Couldn't request list: %s" ...) nil) (t (get-buffer-create gnus-browse-buffer) (gnus-add-current-to-buffer-list) (when gnus-carpal ...) (gnus-configure-windows ...) (buffer-disable-undo ...) (let ... ...) (gnus-browse-mode) (setq mode-line-buffer-identification ...) (save-excursion ... ...) (setq groups ...) (let ... ...) (switch-to-buffer ...) (goto-char ...) (gnus-group-position-point) (gnus-message 5 "Connecting to %s...done" ...) t))
  (let* ((method ...) (gnus-select-method method) groups group) (gnus-message 5 "Connecting to %s..." (nth 1 method)) (cond (... ... nil) (... ... nil) (t ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... t)))
  gnus-browse-foreign-server("nnimap:truman" #<buffer *Server*>)
  (prog1 (gnus-browse-foreign-server server buf) (save-excursion (set-buffer buf) (gnus-server-update-server ...) (gnus-server-position-point)))
  (let ((buf ...)) (prog1 (gnus-browse-foreign-server server buf) (save-excursion ... ... ...)))

3) I tried killing truman from the server buffer.  It tells me that it is a
   readonly server and I can't kill it.  How do I remove truman from my server
   buffer list?

Jake Colman                     

Principia Partners LLC                  Phone: (201) 946-0300
Harborside Financial Center               Fax: (201) 946-0320
902 Plaza II                           Beeper: (800) 505-2795
Jersey City, NJ 07311                  E-mail: colman@ppllc.com
                                       E-mail: jcolman@jnc.com
                                          web: http://www.ppllc.com