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Re: problems with new articles in exchange IMAP folders

Steinar Bang <sb@metis.no> writes:

> >> Sorry, I meant the variable `gnus-newsgroups-headers' (trailing
> >> `s'), it should be evaluated in the summary buffer of the group
> >> you're entering.  It should contain the parsed version of the NOV
> >> cache file (if you enter with C-u RET).
> > It should be evaluated with the corrupt novcache file, you mean?  I'll 
> > try putting it back.
> I'm still not sure how to evaluate it.  C-h v or M-x eval-expression
> didn't work.

C-h v gnus-newsgroups-headers doesn't work?  It's a buffer local
variable, so you need to evaluate if in *Summary nnimap+foo:bar* where
foo:bar is the group you're entering.  But it's a minor issue, try the
below instead.

I got your NOV file but I wasn't able to find any problems with it.
This is weird.  Can you (setq debug-on-error t), apply this patch, M-x
eval-buffer on gnus-sum.el and try to enter the group again?  When you
get the backtrace, change buffer to " *nntpd*", save it in a file and
point out were in the buffer the cursor was.


--- gnus-sum.el-	Fri Jul 28 16:13:50 2000
+++ gnus-sum.el	Fri Jul 28 16:13:13 2000
@@ -4843,9 +4843,13 @@
       (gnus-run-hooks 'gnus-parse-headers-hook)
       (goto-char (point-min))
       (while (not (eobp))
-	(condition-case ()
+;	(condition-case ()
 	    (while (and sequence (not (eobp)))
 	      (setq number (read cur))
+	      (unless (integerp number)
+		(message "number: %s" number)
+		(message "point: %s" (point))
+		(error "Bad magic"))
 	      (while (and sequence
 			  (< (car sequence) number))
 		(setq sequence (cdr sequence)))
@@ -4858,9 +4862,9 @@
 				     number dependencies force-new))))
 		   (push header headers))
 	      (forward-line 1))
-	  (error
-	   (gnus-error 4 "Strange nov line (%d)"
-		       (count-lines (point-min) (point)))))
+;	  (error
+;	   (gnus-error 4 "Strange nov line (%d)"
+;		       (count-lines (point-min) (point)))))
 	(forward-line 1))
       ;; A common bug in inn is that if you have posted an article and
       ;; then retrieves the active file, it will answer correctly --