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Re: Expiry problems...

Jens Krinke <j.krinke@gmx.de> writes:

 > IMHO the problem is that the daemon is expiring your articles but not
 > expunging them. I think the following situation is happening:
 > 1. You read the article and it gets marked as read ('O')
 > 1.a) you mark some as expirable ('E')
 > 2. After a while the daemon is expiring the articles and they get 
 > marked as deleted (on the server).  However, the daemon is not 
 > expunging the articles and they are still on the server marked as 
 > deleted.  Gnus and imap are not obeying the deleted mark and only 
 > showing the read mark ('O'). The expirable mark ('E') has been 
 > deleted.
 > Please verify this with a client that does expunge-on-close (netscape or
 > nnimap without daemon).  The following should happen: The first time you
 > visit the group, the articles are still there. Close the group and visit it
 > again, now the articles should have been deleted.

When I run nnimap with the default gnus-summary-prepare-exit-hook reinstated to
expire articles and force expunge-on-close (this hook was removed when using
gnus-demon), I see the following:

1. When I exit the group, articles marked E that are older than 7 days are then

2. Articles marked "O" remain marked "O", even after entering and exiting the
   group several times.  Does this prove or disprove your theory?  (I would
   have thought that once articles have the "O" mark they are no longer
   eligible to be deleted by the expiry process, although I confess to not
   really understanding what's going on).

    --- John