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Re: Marking messages as read...


>>>>> "R" == <Rupa> writes:

 R> Unfortunately, marking as "E" doesn't also mark the message as
 R> read.  This means that when I use something else (like outlook)
 R> the messages all look like new.  This is "not nice".

Nice? Who said anything about nice?

I too am stuck in a M$ cesspool where Outlook is the norm, and my
supercite/non-jeopardy replies are looked upon as evidence of
subversion [and not as something that just works better]; and I won't
even discuss what grief I get for my complete disregard of that

Anyway, you need to delete the messages, not expire them. To delete a
single message use this keystroke combo:

B <Del>

where <Del> is the delete key.

To delete sequential messages, let's say 4 in a row, use this:

C-u 4 B <del>

And there must be some way to mark a whole bunch of non-contiguous
messages and then delete them, but I don't know what it is. Maybe
someone else on the list does.

 R> Thoughts?

Sure, I have them ...


Hmmm...  an arrogant bouquet with a subtle suggestion of