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Re: Setting Gcc to an nnimap group

Rajesh Godbole <argv@Sun.COM> writes:

> The following setup has worked for me, mostly.  This sets up
> my Gcc header to nnimap+aries:Mail/sent-{news,mail} depending
> on whether I'm sending email or posting news.
> Gotchas:
> o The Mail/sent-{mail,news} folders on the server *need* to exist.
>   nnimap appends to these.
> o message mode spits out a message Couldn't store article in group ...,
>   but the article gets appended to Mail/sent-mail
> Other possibly beneficial things:
> o Make the sent-mail and sent-news groups permanently visible and display
>   all through G c
> o Set group level to 2 through S l (I set my nnimap folders to level 1,
>   so a 1 g gets email in that level and will skip the Gcc'ed folders)

  Is there any way to make this create the folders, similar to what nnml
does?  It asks 'folder foo doesn't exist, create it?'
