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Setting Gcc to an nnimap group

The following setup has worked for me, mostly.  This sets up
my Gcc header to nnimap+aries:Mail/sent-{news,mail} depending
on whether I'm sending email or posting news.

o The Mail/sent-{mail,news} folders on the server *need* to exist.
  nnimap appends to these.
o message mode spits out a message Couldn't store article in group ...,
  but the article gets appended to Mail/sent-mail

Other possibly beneficial things:
o Make the sent-mail and sent-news groups permanently visible and display
  all through G c
o Set group level to 2 through S l (I set my nnimap folders to level 1,
  so a 1 g gets email in that level and will skip the Gcc'ed folders)



;; Begin Setup for Gcc: nnimap+aries:Mail/sent-{mail,news}
(setq gnus-message-archive-method
      '(nnimap "aries"
	       (nnimap-server-address "aries")
	       (nnimap-imap-directory "~/Mail/")))	       

(setq gnus-message-archive-group
      '((if (message-news-p)

;; End setup