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Re: topics & tomorrow

Vadim Gutnik <gutnik@mtl.mit.edu> writes:

> A related note: it would be nice if I could set a default folder path
> for each IMAP server in nnimap. So, in this case, all the folders on
> the CIS server would have default path ~/Private/spool, and you could
> just refer to it as
> nnimap+CIS: mbo

I don't think this is a good idea.

1) How do I separate it from the mbo-file not in the default
   directory? The server also has a concept of a default directory (~/
   in UWash), adding a second default directory would confuse things
   even further.

2) The IMAP server stores named groups, gnus should refer to the
   groups with the group name used on the server, anything else would
   be confusing. (Compare making `alt' the default nntp category for
   your news-server.)

3) Change the name of the group on the server if you want it to be
   known as something else, don't translate names in the client.

Today, you can use `nnimap-list-pattern' to set the default directory
for UWash servers, but nnimap doesn't scramble the names of groups. I
think this is enough.