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Re: Levels ignored?

Mark Plaksin <happy@arches.uga.edu> writes:

> My nnimap groups are set to level 3 but I get "Updating active info for
> mailbox INBOX" every time I check for new mail--even if I use '1 g'.
> Is it me or nnimap that's confused? :)

I'm not sure why this is -- Gnus calls nnimap-request-update-info on
all subscribed nnimap groups when I press '1 g' (all my nnimap folders
are on level 2).

>From *nnimap-debug*:

1 -> nnimap-request-update-info: group="INBOX.vortex" info=("nnimap+vic20:INBOX.vortex" 2 nil nil ...

So Gnus does indeed call it on a group with level > 1 (the '2' in the
info being the subscription level).

It's not a proper solution, but in 0.3.23 nnimap-request-update-info
is just a dummy-function so it won't add time to your '1 g'. (In
0.3.24 it probably won't be a dummy function anymore, I'm afraid.)

Anyway, you got me confused too.
