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Re: nnimap issues

On 28 Jul 2000, Bryan Ischo wrote:

> But I have some questions, problems, and suggestions to throw out
> to everyone to see what people think.  Some of these might be more
> relevent to gnus than nnimap, or to the mail composing elisp
> module, whatever that is, but they all affect the ease of use
> and functionality of nnimap, so here goes:

I think all of them are generic Gnus problems.  So if you don't get
sufficient help here, try the gnu.emacs.gnus newsgroup or the Gnus
mailing list.

> 1. How do I get the *Group* buffer to always come up with all of my
>    subscribed groups (which are all of my nnimap folders, since I
>    only use gnus for reading mail) showing, whether or not they have
>    new mail?

You could type `L' (not `l') to show all groups.  If you want this to
be automatic, you could frob the `Permanently visible' group parameter
using `G c' on the group name.  Another way to achieve the same thing
is to set the variable gnus-permanently-visible-groups; for example:

(setq gnus-permanently-visible-groups "e")

This will always display groups which have `e' in their names.

> 2. I have two mail servers that I read using nnimap.  The folders of
>    my primary select method always show up as "INBOX.XXX".  The
>    folders from the secondary method sometimes show up as
>    "nnimap+mailserver:INBOX.XXX", and sometimes show up as
>    "mailserver INBOX.XXX".  What I want is for both my primary and
>    secondary select method folders to show up as "mailserver XXX",
>    as in:

Hm.  It would be easy to get names like "nnimap+work:foo" and
"nnimap+play:bar".  Would this be okay?

To get this, include both nnimap servers in
gnus-secondary-select-methods, like so:

(add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods '(nnimap "work" ...))
(add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods '(nnimap "play" ...))

Replace the ... with the appropriate parameters.

Does this help?

> 3. How can I set my Sender: mail header to be the same as my From:
>    mail header?

You could prevent Gnus from creating a Sender header:

(add-to-list 'message-syntax-checks '(sender . disabled))

Does this help?

> 4. How do I get my Summary buffer to always show ALL messages, read
>    or unread, new or old, of the folder.  Right now it shows me only
>    the new messages if there are new messages, otherwise it shows me
>    all of the old messages.  I want it to always show me everything.
>    And I don't want it to ask me how many I want to see.  I want to
>    see them all, always, end of story.  Any hints?

You can frob the `Display' group parameter by hitting `G c' on the
group name.  As opposed to the `Permanently visible' group parameter,
I think there is no variable for this one.

But you could use topics, and then put all the groups you always want
to see in one topic, and then set the `Display' parameter for that

> 5. Can I change the name of the News directory that gnus/nnimap uses
>    to save cache and stuff?  I want it to be called .news so that I
>    don't have to look at it all the time.

I don't know.  But apropos is your friend.  Type M-x apropos-value RET
/News RET to get a list of all possible variable names, and pick the
right one.

Does this help?

> 6. Similarly for the #.newsrc.dribble# file.  The file name annoys
>    me.

This is an auto-save file name.  Read the Emacs info file for dealing
with auto-save files.  Maybe you want to put all auto-save files into
a specific directory?  This can be done, but needs some Lisp

> 7. Can I make the summary buffer always come up with the cursor on
>    the first new message, and with the buffer centered on the
>    cursor?  (This question assumes an answer to question 4)

Doesn't SPC do this?  Or is the centering missing?  There's a variable
gnus-auto-center-summary, does this help?

> 8. What would be really great is if, when I sent mail, my return
>    address (From, Return Address, Sender, etc) headers were
>    dependent upon whom I was sending mail to.[...]

There is a feature called `posting styles', which allows you to choose
the headers based on the group you're posting from.  (When posting
from the Group buffer, you can type `C-u a' or `C-u m' to post to/from
the group under point, so you don't have to enter the group first.)

And then there's a package called `header-action' or somesuch which
has recently been posted to gnu.emacs.sources.

And then there's a package called gnus-pers or somesuch which has not
so recently been posted to gnu.emacs.sources.

Maybe you can find pointers at ELL
(http://www.anc.ed.ac.uk/~stephen/emacs/ell.html) or www.emacs.org or
the new Lisp Code Archive at Ohio-State?

> 9. I would like to save a copy of all outgoing messages in a Sent
>    folder.  How can I do this?

(setq gnus-outgoing-message-group "nnml:send-folder")

This creates a Gcc header.  You can put any group name in it,
including IMAP groups.

> 10. I get reverse-video text for some received mail, probably
>     dependent upon the mail client sending the mail.  Where should I
>     look for instructions on turning this off?

Whee.  Never heard about this one.  Try `C-u g' on such a message.
Anything strange that you can see?  (You might try to compare with
other normal messages.  Maybe all of the messages are HTML messages?)

> 11. When I M-g on a group, I would like the cursor to stay on that
>     group, IF the group had new messages.  This way I can then just
>     hit 'enter' to go in and see the new mail (which is what I want
>     to do 100% of the time if there are new messages).  How can I
>     accomplish this?

I don't know.

> 12. When new mail arrives, the number of new messages is often
>     listed wrong - I have seen 12 new messages listed when I only
>     have two or three actual new mails in my box.  What gives?

The new mail count is really an estimate, which is based on the
difference between the highest article number and the lowest article
number.  Holes in the sequence will produce wrong estimates.  You can
`compress' the article number sequence by entering a group (with `C-u
RET' to show all articles), marking all articles (`M P a'), and moving
them to the same group (`B m').

The numbers won't start at 1, but the holes will be gone.

I like BOTH kinds of music.