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Re: nnimap in pgnus

Simon Josefsson <jas@pdc.kth.se> writes:

> Nnimap 0.131 is included in pgnus cvs right now.  Update your pgnus
> cvs copy, remove nnimap from your `load-path' and start gnus.
> So, uhm, 0.131 is 1.0. We'll have two branches (unless someone comes
> up with a better idea):


> v1.0.x (= nnimap in pgnus cvs) will only see bugfixes.
> v1.1.x (= nnimap in nnimap cvs) is a development branch. Mainly I want
> to improve speed, but new features are likely to creep in too.

If we want to continue using the 1.1.x tree do we have to do anything
special other than making sure that nnimap is in our path before pgnus?

Rupa (rupa@rupa.com for normal email)
Please don't email duplicate replies.