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Re: trouble using nnimap with gnus

David Cohen <dcohen@webmethods.com> writes:

> But after that nothing appears in gnus except some default
> newsgroups.  I can't see my mail anywhere.  I've even hit "U" to see
> all groups, and nothing looks like my imap settings.

You probably still have to subscribe to the mail folders you like.  I
did that by typing "U" in the group summary buffer and then entering
in the names of the folders like this:


That subscribed me to the folder "nnimap-in" on the IMAP server "cow"
in "$HOME/mail".  cow is defined in my .gnus file with the
gnus-secondary-select-methods function:

    (setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
    	   '(nnimap "cow"
    		    (nnimap-address "123.456.789.10"))

--Ed Cashin