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Re: imap patches for nnir

Steinar Bang <sb@metis.no> writes:

> > Ok, I see. Nnimap support this. You'd probably want to set the server
> > variable `nnimap-list-pattern' to '("INBOX" "imap/*") or something.
> OK, then maybe you should extend this to nnir, and use it as a limit
> for searches?  

My latest patch to nnir make it respect group process marks instead,
which is imho a more practical solution - searching all your IMAP
mailboxes takes too long, even limited by `nnimap-list-pattern'.

So just `#' some groups and then `G G' to search them. Is this ok with

> I'm guessing that the reason it is a bad thing that UoW imapd searches
> everything is that it searches everything from the home directory on
> down...?

Yup. Also, the list of mailboxes is often (due to symlinks) infinite
(unless we limit it).
