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Re: Reactionary Emacs user

Peter Liljenberg <petli@signum.se> writes:

> I've just installed Gnus 5.6.45 (turned out I was using 5.5) and
> nnimap 0.83, and run this in a FSF Emacs 19.34.  I get a nagging
> feeling that nnimap isn't supposed to be running in a 19.34

That's correct. I've updated the documentation to reflect this.

The official requirement of nnimap is the latest Pterodactyl
Gnus. This forces you into emacs 20 land.

Gnus 5.6.x (hence emacs 19) seem to work, but if we at some point in
time have to add lots of code in nnimap to support it old Gnus
versions, I'm not going to write it.

> Am I just a fossile, refusing to upgrade (?) to Emacs 20.x or
> XEmacs?

You're not alone, at least. I hope Emacs 20.4 will change this.

OTOH, since nnimap require recent features in Gnus, and recent Gnuses
require emacs 20 it's pointless to keep nnimap compatible with emacs

> (I'm also trying to figure out how to actually delete mails, but
> I'll bang my head against the screen some more before I ask any
> stupid questions.)

Try `B DEL'.
