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Re: Multiple Authentication Credentials

Lyndon Nerenberg <lyndon@esys.ca> writes:

> Currently nnimap keeps only a single global set of authentication
> credentials.

imap-username and imap-password are depreciated variables when using.
nnimap. Use nnimap-authinfo-file instead.

> This prevents accessing multiple servers with different
> usernames. Is anything in the works to change this? What would be
> very nice would be to store credentials something like this:
> 	server -> port -> authmech -> (user . password)
> The reason for authmech is to support concurrent authenticated and
> anonymous access to the same server. Also, it should be possible to
> store more than one "username" credential per server/port/authmech
> pairing.

We don't do multiple server connection to the same server with
different auth methods, but oterhwise you could use something like:

(setq nnimap-authinfo-file "~/private/.authinfo")
(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods
	'((nnimap "virtserver1"
		(nnimap-server-address "foo:4711"))
	(nnimap "virtserver2"
		(nnimap-server-address "foo:4712"))
	(nnimap "virtserver3"
		(nnimap-auth-method 'md5)
		(nnimap-server-address "foo:4713"))))

And the authinfo file:

machine foo:4711 login user1 password pw1
machine foo:4712 login user2 password pw2
machine foo:4713 login user3 password pw3
default login anonymous password jas@pdc.kth.se

Uhm, when I think about it, we could probably do everything you want
if we use the virtual server name in the authinfo file. Hmm. This
would also remove the need for the cludgy "port extended" format in
authinfo files.

Check out http://vic20.dzp.se/gnus-imap/install.html#trix-portfwd too.
