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Some requirements I think I need.  Please suggest stuff.

Phase 1

. Download all articles instead of just "some".  The current algorithm
for selecting what to download is interesting.  It downloads all
articles that are UNREAD or FLAGGED (ie all flags other than read),
but ONLY those with a article number higher than the highest local
(previously downloaded to the Agent) article.  Of course, this should
be customizable (nntp agent users probably like the current

. Synchronize group with server -- I think the only additional step
here would be to remove local articles that have been removed from the
server, but I'm not sure.

. Better progress information during download.

Phase 2

. Gcc (and perhaps copy/move) operations are put in nndraft:queue (or
something similar).

. Sieve rules download, edit and upload functionality.

. Put .emacs and .gnus on a ACAP server.  I haven't installed Sieve
yet, and I'm bored with synchronizing mail split rules between my
three Gnus installations.  LDAP shouldn't be too difficult either.

Phase 3

. Gcc/copy/move in the unplugged state will put articles in the
summary buffer for that group too.  It should be possible to move/copy
the article around several times.  When plugging in, it should do
whatever it takes to update the server.

Phase 4

. Support partial downloading of articles (ie don't download 4TB .DOC