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Re: FCC to imap folders

Mark A. Hershberger <mah@everybody.org> writes:

> I'd like to know how to Fcc: to an IMAP folder.
> Currently, I have the following added to message-send-hook:
> (message-add-header (concat "Fcc: " (expand-file-name
>                                      "~/mail/sent-mail")))
> The documentation for message says that I message-fcc-handler-function
> takes care of the Fcc: and is set to `message-outout' by default.
> I skimmed over the source, but didn't see anything right off.
> What do message-fcc-handler-function and my Fcc: field need to be set
> to to save to an IMAP mail folder?

The "Gcc:" feature works well in gnus and does the same thing, as far
as I remember--it's in the docs, anyway.  I have this in my .gnus file
so that it works automatically:

    (setq gnus-message-archive-method
          '(nnimap "remhost"))
    (setq gnus-message-archive-group
          '((if (message-news-p)
            (concat "mail/sent." (format-time-string
                               "%Y-%m" (current-time)))))
That way, mail I send out goes into the "mail/sent.99-10" folder on
the IMAP server, "remhost".

--Ed Cashin                     PGP public key:
  ecashin@coe.uga.edu           http://www.coe.uga.edu/~ecashin/pgp/