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Re: agent strangeness

Kai Großjohann <Kai.Grossjohann@CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE> writes:

> > I debugged it and this patch solve that problem for me. I'll try the
> > agent stuff now to see if I can answer Conrad's question.
> I applied this patch and I still get stars.  Here's what I did:
>   * patch gnus-start.el, re-byte-compile
>   * rm -rf ~/News/agent/nnimap
>   * enable (gnus-agentize) line in ~/.gnus
>   * start Gnus
>   * ==> get stars
> What can I do to help?

Strange. Is your nnimap server covered by the agent?  Does it work the
second time you start Gnus?

I don't know how to fix it if my patch didn't work (my Agent is happy
now anyway).

It was not easy to debug it, I commented out stuff in `gnus-agentize'
until I found what caused stars to appear ("(setq gnus-agent t)"), and
then searched entire Gnus to find places where Gnus made decisions
based on that variable and edebugged likely candidates to find out
what was happening.