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Re: nnimap-split-rule's order not respected

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> writes:

>      mail from root goes to "main".  The *nnmail-debug* buffer shows
>      that both rules were correctly matched:
>         nnimap-split-to-groups: ("main" "root") 
>      the order gets inverted and mail goes to the "main" group.
>      (`nnimap-split-crosspost' is not set).

If nnimap-split-crosspost is not set, it defaults to crossposting
(like nnmail) and in that case the order is not important.

>   B. when inverting nnimap-split-rule's order:
>         ("main" "")
>         ("root" "^From:.*root")
>      mail from root goes to "root" group.

Yup. The bug was that the article in your INBOX was marked \Deleted
when it had successfully been copied to the first group. The
subsequent groups received a copy of the \Deleted article, which
nnimap doesn't show to you (and the article is physically removed when
closing that group).

Thanks for the report, it's fixed for nnimap 0.99 in the cvs now.