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Re: imap patches for nnir

Steinar Bang <sb@metis.no> writes:

> > Warning!  Don't use nnir/imap with UW based servers. It searches =all=
> > groups, and this is a Bad Thing with UW based servers. To be
> > practically usable, nnir/imap need to use group process marks or
> > something to limit the groups it should search anyway.

(Let me first say that this warning doesn't apply to the latest
nnir/imap, it can safely be used with any imap server)

> Can nnimap use an "IMAP server directory" similar to what Netscape
> does? 

I don't know. I tried using netscape and set this field to something
but nothing happened and there wasn't any help for the input field

Can you elaborate what this is?  Then I might give a better answer.
