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nnimap 0.92 -> 0.93 patches

Index: nnimap/ChangeLog
diff -u nnimap/ChangeLog:1.169 nnimap/ChangeLog:1.179
--- nnimap/ChangeLog:1.169	Thu Jan  7 16:18:25 1999
+++ nnimap/ChangeLog	Thu Feb  4 17:51:23 1999
@@ -1,3 +1,60 @@
+1999-02-05  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* nnimap 0.93 released.
+1999-02-05  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* imap.el (imap-continuation): New variable.
+	(imap-send-command-1): New function.
+	(imap-send-command): Handle buffers and functions.
+	(imap-wait-for-tag): Return INCOMPLETE if continuation request
+	found.
+	(imap-parse-response): Store imap continuation text.
+	(imap-message-append): Don't cdr.
+	* nnimap.el (nnimap-request-accept-article): Rfc822-regexping
+	works.  Get UID.
+1999-02-04  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* nnimap.el: Moved some variables into 1.x section.
+1999-01-28  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* nnimap.texi (split-rule): Update.
+1999-01-28  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* nnimap.el (nnimap-possibly-change-group): Print group in
+ 	uidvalidity clash message.
+	* nnimap.el (nnimap-split-articles): Don't treat crossposting.
+	(nnimap-split-to-groups): Fold continuation lines once. Use
+ 	nnmail-expand-newtext to expand group names if they contain
+ 	regexp-like stuff. Fast exit if match is found and no
+ 	crossposting is requested.
+	(nnimap-expand-newtext): New function, originally
+ 	nnmail-expand-newtext.
+1999-01-28  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* imap.el (imap-arrival-filter): Removed kernel junk handling, it
+ 	does not solve all problems and isn't the Right Thing to do.
+1999-01-27  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* imap.el (imap-arrival-filter): Handle junk from kernel.
+1999-01-25  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* imap.el (imap-parse-response): Check tag.
+1999-01-08  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* nnimap.el: Moved some functions to nnimap 1.x section.
 1999-01-08  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
 	* nnimap 0.92 released.
Index: nnimap/imap.el
diff -u nnimap/imap.el:1.106 nnimap/imap.el:1.112
--- nnimap/imap.el:1.106	Thu Jan  7 16:17:35 1999
+++ nnimap/imap.el	Thu Feb  4 17:31:32 1999
@@ -280,6 +280,10 @@
 (defvar imap-process nil
+(defvar imap-continuation nil
+  "Non-nil indicates that the server emitted a continuation request. The
+actually value is really the text on the continuation line.")
 (defvar imap-log "*imap-log*"
   "Imap session trace.")
@@ -880,14 +884,15 @@
 (defun imap-message-append (mailbox article &optional buffer flags date-time)
   "Append ARTICLE buffer to MAILBOX on server in BUFFER. FLAGS and
-DATE-TIME is currently not used."
+DATE-TIME is currently not used. Return a cons holding uidvalidity of
+MAILBOX and UID the newly created article got, or nil on failure."
   (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
     (if (imap-capability 'UIDPLUS)
 	(let ((imap-current-target-mailbox mailbox))
 	  (when (imap-ok-p (imap-send-command-wait
 			    (list "APPEND " (imap-encode-string mailbox) " "
-	    (cdr (imap-mailbox-get 'appenduid mailbox))))
+	    (imap-mailbox-get 'appenduid mailbox)))
       (let (res)
 	(when (setq res (imap-mailbox-status mailbox '(uidvalidity uidnext)))
 	  (when (imap-ok-p (imap-send-command-wait
@@ -898,35 +903,80 @@
 ;; Internal functions.
+(defun imap-send-command-1 (cmdstr)
+  (setq cmdstr (concat cmdstr imap-client-eol))
+  (and imap-log
+       (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create imap-log)
+	 (imap-disable-multibyte)
+	 (buffer-disable-undo)
+	 (goto-char (point-max))
+	 (insert cmdstr)))
+  (process-send-string imap-process cmdstr))
 (defun imap-send-command (command &optional buffer)
   (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
     (if (not (listp command)) (setq command (list command)))
     (let ((tag (setq imap-tag (1+ imap-tag)))
-	  cmdstr cmd)
+	  cmd cmdstr)
       (setq cmdstr (concat (number-to-string imap-tag) " "))
       (while (setq cmd (pop command))
 	(cond ((stringp cmd)
 	       (setq cmdstr (concat cmdstr cmd)))
+	      ((bufferp cmd)
+	       (setq cmdstr 
+		     (concat cmdstr (format "{%d}" (with-current-buffer cmd
+						     (buffer-size)))))
+	       (unwind-protect
+		   (progn
+		     (imap-send-command-1 cmdstr)
+		     (setq cmdstr nil)
+		     (if (not (eq (imap-wait-for-tag tag) 'INCOMPLETE))
+			 (setq command nil) ;; abort command if no cont-req
+		       (let ((process imap-process)
+			     (stream imap-stream))
+			 (with-current-buffer cmd
+			   (when (eq stream 'kerberos4)
+			     ;; XXX modifies buffer!
+			     (goto-char (point-min))
+			     (while (re-search-forward "\r\n" nil t)
+			       (replace-match "\n")))
+			   (and imap-log
+				(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create
+						      imap-log)
+				  (imap-disable-multibyte)
+				  (buffer-disable-undo)
+				  (goto-char (point-max))
+				  (insert-buffer-substring cmd)))
+			   (process-send-region process (point-min)
+						(point-max)))
+			 (process-send-string process imap-client-eol))))
+		 (setq imap-continuation nil)))
+	      ((functionp cmd)
+	       (imap-send-command-1 cmdstr)
+	       (setq cmdstr nil)
+	       (unwind-protect
+		   (if (not (eq (imap-wait-for-tag tag) 'INCOMPLETE))
+		       (setq command nil) ;; abort command if no cont-req
+		     (setq command (cons (funcall cmd imap-continuation)
+					 command)))
+		 (setq imap-continuation nil)))
 	       (error "Unknown command type"))))
-      (setq cmdstr (concat cmdstr imap-client-eol))
-      (and imap-log
-	   (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create imap-log)
-	     (imap-disable-multibyte)
-	     (buffer-disable-undo)
-	     (goto-char (point-max))
-	     (insert cmdstr)))
-      (process-send-string imap-process cmdstr)
+      (if cmdstr
+	  (imap-send-command-1 cmdstr))
 (defun imap-wait-for-tag (tag &optional buffer)
   (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
-    (while (< imap-reached-tag tag)
+    (while (and (null imap-continuation)
+		(< imap-reached-tag tag))
       (or (and (not (memq (process-status imap-process) '(open run)))
 	       (sit-for 1))
 	  (accept-process-output imap-process 1)))
     (or (assq tag imap-failed-tags)
-	'OK)))
+	(if imap-continuation
+	  'OK))))
 (defun imap-sentinel (process string)
   (delete-process process))
@@ -955,8 +1005,8 @@
 	   (goto-char (point-max))
 	   (insert string)))
-    (goto-char (point-min))
     (let (end)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
       (while (setq end (imap-find-next-line))
 	  (narrow-to-region (point-min) end)
@@ -1106,7 +1156,10 @@
   "Parse a IMAP command response."
   (let (token)
     (case (setq token (read (current-buffer)))
-      (+ (imap-parse-continue-req))
+      (+ (setq imap-continuation
+	       (or (buffer-substring (min (point-max) (1+ (point)))
+				     (point-max))
+		   t)))
       (* (case (prog1 (setq token (read (current-buffer)))
 		 (or (eobp) (forward-char)))
 	   (OK         (imap-parse-resp-text))
@@ -1132,34 +1185,39 @@
 		      (FETCH   (imap-parse-fetch token))
 		      (t       (message "Garbage: %s" (buffer-string)))))))
       (t (let (status)
-	   (case (prog1 (setq status (read (current-buffer)))
-		   (or (eobp) (forward-char)))
-	   (OK  (progn
-		  (setq imap-reached-tag (max imap-reached-tag token))
-		  (imap-parse-resp-text)))
-	   (NO  (progn
-		  (setq imap-reached-tag (max imap-reached-tag token))
-		  (save-excursion
-		    (imap-parse-resp-text))
-		  (let (code text)
-		    (when (eq (char-after) ?\[)
-		      (setq code (buffer-substring (point) (search-forward "]")))
-		      (or (eobp) (forward-char)))
-		    (setq text (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))
-		    (push (list token status code text) imap-failed-tags))))
-	   (BAD (progn
-		  (setq imap-reached-tag (max imap-reached-tag token))
-		  (save-excursion
-		    (imap-parse-resp-text))
-		  (let (code text)
-		    (when (eq (char-after) ?\[)
-		      (setq code (buffer-substring (point) (search-forward "]")))
-		      (or (eobp) (forward-char)))
-		    (setq text (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))
-		    (push (list token status code text) imap-failed-tags)
-		    (message "Internal error, tag %s status %s code %s text %s"
-			     token status code text))))
-	   (t   (message "Garbage after tag: %s" (buffer-string)))))))))
+	   (if (not (integerp token))
+	       (message "Garbage: %s" (buffer-string))
+	     (case (prog1 (setq status (read (current-buffer)))
+		     (or (eobp) (forward-char)))
+	       (OK  (progn
+		      (setq imap-reached-tag (max imap-reached-tag token))
+		      (imap-parse-resp-text)))
+	       (NO  (progn
+		      (setq imap-reached-tag (max imap-reached-tag token))
+		      (save-excursion
+			(imap-parse-resp-text))
+		      (let (code text)
+			(when (eq (char-after) ?\[)
+			  (setq code (buffer-substring (point)
+						       (search-forward "]")))
+			  (or (eobp) (forward-char)))
+			(setq text (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))
+			(push (list token status code text) 
+			      imap-failed-tags))))
+	       (BAD (progn
+		      (setq imap-reached-tag (max imap-reached-tag token))
+		      (save-excursion
+			(imap-parse-resp-text))
+		      (let (code text)
+			(when (eq (char-after) ?\[)
+			  (setq code (buffer-substring (point)
+						       (search-forward "]")))
+			  (or (eobp) (forward-char)))
+			(setq text (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))
+			(push (list token status code text) imap-failed-tags)
+			(message "Internal error, tag %s status %s code %s text %s"
+				 token status code text))))
+	       (t   (message "Garbage: %s" (buffer-string))))))))))
 ;;   resp-text       = ["[" resp-text-code "]" SP] text
Index: nnimap/nnimap.el
diff -u nnimap/nnimap.el:1.125 nnimap/nnimap.el:1.130
--- nnimap/nnimap.el:1.125	Thu Jan  7 16:18:01 1999
+++ nnimap/nnimap.el	Thu Feb  4 17:41:30 1999
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; nnimap.el --- IMAP backend for Gnus
-;;; Copyright (C) 1998 Simon Josefsson <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+;;; Copyright (C) 1998,1999 Simon Josefsson <jas@pdc.kth.se>
 ;;; Copyright (C) 1998 Jim Radford <radford@robby.caltech.edu>
 ;;; Copyright (C) 1997 John McClary Prevost <visigoth@cs.cmu.edu>
@@ -77,100 +77,24 @@
 ;;;   o Support RFC2221 (Login referrals)
 ;;;   o IMAP2BIS compatibility? (RFC2061)
 ;;;   o Debug imtest, it dumps with "Time is out of bounds" sometimes
+;;;     (This has been acknowledged by the Cyrus team and they are
+;;;      looking into it -- as a workaround, set `imap-imtest-arguments' to
+;;;      "-k", only integrity and privacy checking causes the bug.)
 ;;;   o ACAP stuff (perhaps a different project, would be nice to ACAPify 
 ;;;     .newsrc.eld)
 ;;;   o MIME
 ;; nnimap 1.x variables:
-;; Legacy variables:
-(require 'imap)
+  (require 'imap))
 (require 'nnoo)
-(require 'nnheader)
-(require 'nnmail)
-(require 'gnus)
-(require 'gnus-range)
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
-(gnus-declare-backend "nnimap" 'mail 'address 'prompt-address 
-		      'physical-address 'respool)  ;; respool??
-(nnoo-declare nnimap) ; we derive from no one
+(nnoo-declare nnimap)
-(defconst nnimap-version "nnimap 0.92")
+(defconst nnimap-version "nnimap 0.93")
-;; Various server variables.
-(defvoo nnimap-directory message-directory
-  "Data directory for the nnimap backend.")
-(defvoo nnimap-active-file
-  (concat (file-name-as-directory nnimap-directory) "active")
-  "Mail active file for the nnimap backend.")
-(defvoo nnimap-list-pattern "*" 
-"*PATTERN or list of PATTERNS use to limit available groups.  
-A pattern is either GROUP or (REFERENCE . GROUP).
-GROUP is a string.  See the available wildcard characters below.
-The meaning of REFERENCE is server-specific, so it's
-expected that you (the user) can figure out the appropriate setting.
-On the Cyrus server, this is irrelevant.  On the UWash server, this
-gets joined together with GROUP.  If it is not specified the
-default is an empty string.
- '(\"INBOX\" \"Mail/*\" \"alt.sex.*\" (\"~friend/Mail/\" . \"list/*\"))
-Also note that currently groups that start with a '.' cause Gnus to
-choke, so instead of using something like \"*\" which might match
-\".mailboxlist\" you could use \"~/*\" which would match
-\"~/.mailboxlist\" and not cause problems.
-The two wildcards are * and %.  * means match anything, much like in
-shell globbing in Unix.  * does match hierarchy delimiters (. or /, in
-the usual case.)  % is the same as *, but does not match the hierarchy
-(defvoo nnimap-list-method "LIST" ; "LSUB"
-  "*Function called on IMAP server to list groups.  One of \"LSUB\" or
-\"LIST\". LSUB means only retrieve groups marked on the server as
-subscribed.  LIST means every matching group should be retrieved.")
-(defvoo nnimap-address nil
-  "*The name of the IMAP server.  If nil, uses the virtual server's name.")
-(defvoo nnimap-server-address nil
-  "Obsolete. Use `nnimap-address'.")
-(defvoo nnimap-server-port nil
-  "*The port of the IMAP server.  If nil, uses the default port. (143).")
-(defvoo nnimap-imap-defs nil
-  "*Definitions of variables to set up in the IMAP buffer.")
-(defvoo nnimap-expunge-on-close 'always ; 'ask, 'never
-  "When a IMAP group with articles marked for deletion is closed, this
-variable determine if nnimap should actually remove the articles or
-If always, nnimap always perform a expunge when closing the group.
-If never, nnimap never expunges articles marked for deletion.
-If ask, nnimap will ask you if you wish to expunge marked articles.
-When setting this variable to `never', you can only expunge articles
-by using `G x' (gnus-group-nnimap-expunge) from the Group buffer.")
-(defvoo nnimap-group-list-speed 'slow ; 'fast, 'medium
-  "*If fast, do not show number of articles in the group list.
-If medium, guess number of articles by using the UIDNEXT attribute.
-If slow, fetch the UID of lowest/highest article.")
 ;; Splitting variables
 (defvar nnimap-split-crosspost t
@@ -262,6 +186,87 @@
 					  (const :format "" "password")
 					  (string :format "Password: %v")))))))
+;; Legacy variables:
+(require 'nnheader)
+(require 'nnmail)
+(require 'gnus)
+(require 'gnus-range)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(gnus-declare-backend "nnimap" 'mail 'address 'prompt-address 
+		      'physical-address 'respool)  ;; respool??
+;; Various server variables.
+(defvoo nnimap-directory message-directory
+  "Data directory for the nnimap backend.")
+(defvoo nnimap-active-file
+  (concat (file-name-as-directory nnimap-directory) "active")
+  "Mail active file for the nnimap backend.")
+(defvoo nnimap-list-pattern "*" 
+"*PATTERN or list of PATTERNS use to limit available groups.  
+A pattern is either GROUP or (REFERENCE . GROUP).
+GROUP is a string.  See the available wildcard characters below.
+The meaning of REFERENCE is server-specific, so it's
+expected that you (the user) can figure out the appropriate setting.
+On the Cyrus server, this is irrelevant.  On the UWash server, this
+gets joined together with GROUP.  If it is not specified the
+default is an empty string.
+ '(\"INBOX\" \"Mail/*\" \"alt.sex.*\" (\"~friend/Mail/\" . \"list/*\"))
+Also note that currently groups that start with a '.' cause Gnus to
+choke, so instead of using something like \"*\" which might match
+\".mailboxlist\" you could use \"~/*\" which would match
+\"~/.mailboxlist\" and not cause problems.
+The two wildcards are * and %.  * means match anything, much like in
+shell globbing in Unix.  * does match hierarchy delimiters (. or /, in
+the usual case.)  % is the same as *, but does not match the hierarchy
+(defvoo nnimap-list-method "LIST" ; "LSUB"
+  "*Function called on IMAP server to list groups.  One of \"LSUB\" or
+\"LIST\". LSUB means only retrieve groups marked on the server as
+subscribed.  LIST means every matching group should be retrieved.")
+(defvoo nnimap-address nil
+  "*The name of the IMAP server.  If nil, uses the virtual server's name.")
+(defvoo nnimap-server-address nil
+  "Obsolete. Use `nnimap-address'.")
+(defvoo nnimap-server-port nil
+  "*The port of the IMAP server.  If nil, uses the default port. (143).")
+(defvoo nnimap-imap-defs nil
+  "*Definitions of variables to set up in the IMAP buffer.")
+(defvoo nnimap-expunge-on-close 'always ; 'ask, 'never
+  "When a IMAP group with articles marked for deletion is closed, this
+variable determine if nnimap should actually remove the articles or
+If always, nnimap always perform a expunge when closing the group.
+If never, nnimap never expunges articles marked for deletion.
+If ask, nnimap will ask you if you wish to expunge marked articles.
+When setting this variable to `never', you can only expunge articles
+by using `G x' (gnus-group-nnimap-expunge) from the Group buffer.")
+(defvoo nnimap-group-list-speed 'slow ; 'fast, 'medium
+  "*If fast, do not show number of articles in the group list.
+If medium, guess number of articles by using the UIDNEXT attribute.
+If slow, fetch the UID of lowest/highest article.")
 ;; Internal variables.
 (defvoo nnimap-need-expunge nil)
@@ -322,7 +327,7 @@
 ;	  nnimap-ok-p
-;	  nnimap-split-to-groups
+	  nnimap-split-to-groups
@@ -343,8 +348,287 @@
+;; nnimap 1.x functions:
+(defun nnimap-body-lines (body)
+  "Return number of lines in article by looking at the mime bodystructure
+  (if (listp body)
+      (if (stringp (car body))
+	  (cond ((and (string= (car body) "TEXT")
+		      (numberp (nth 7 body)))
+		 (nth 7 body))
+		((and (string= (car body) "MESSAGE")
+		      (numberp (nth 9 body)))
+		 (nth 9 body))
+		(t 0))
+	(apply '+ (mapcar 'nnimap-body-lines body)))
+    0))
+;; nnimap-request-scan doesn't need to do anything. the delivery agent
+;; program is responsible for putting new message in the imap folders.
+;; compare the situation with nntp (nil function) and with all nnmail-
+;; backends (fetches mail from spools, POPing, saving in files on local
+;; storage etc).
+;; On the other hand, we could do message splitting here.
+(deffoo nnimap-request-scan (&optional group server)
+  (nnimap-split-articles group server))
+(defun nnimap-split-copy-delete-article (article group to-group server)
+  "Move article ARTICLE from group GROUP on current server to group TO-GROUP."
+  (when (nnimap-ok-p (nnimap-send-command-wait
+		      (format "UID COPY %d %s" article to-group)))
+    (setq nnimap-need-expunge t)
+    (if (imap-message-flags-add (format "%d" article) "\\Seen \\Deleted")
+	(message "IMAP split moved %s:%s:%d to %s" server group
+		 article to-group)
+      (error "IMAP flag store failed: you may have unread mail marked as read!"))))
+(defun nnimap-split-move-article (article group to-group server)
+  (when to-group
+    (unless (nnimap-split-copy-delete-article article group to-group server)
+      (message "Could not find mailbox %s, creating..." to-group)
+      (if (nnimap-ok-p (nnimap-send-command-wait
+			(format "CREATE %s" to-group)))
+	  (nnimap-split-copy-delete-article article group to-group server)
+	(message "Could not create mailbox %s." to-group)))))
+;; This is from nnmail.el:nnmail-expand-newtext, written by Larsi.
+(defun nnimap-expand-newtext (newtext)
+  (let ((len (length newtext))
+	(pos 0)
+	c expanded beg N did-expand)
+    (while (< pos len)
+      (setq beg pos)
+      (while (and (< pos len)
+		  (not (= (aref newtext pos) ?\\)))
+	(setq pos (1+ pos)))
+      (unless (= beg pos)
+	(push (substring newtext beg pos) expanded))
+      (when (< pos len)
+	;; We hit a \; expand it.
+	(setq did-expand t
+	      pos (1+ pos)
+	      c (aref newtext pos))
+	(if (not (or (= c ?\&)
+		     (and (>= c ?1)
+			  (<= c ?9))))
+	    ;; \ followed by some character we don't expand.
+	    (push (char-to-string c) expanded)
+	  ;; \& or \N
+	  (if (= c ?\&)
+	      (setq N 0)
+	    (setq N (- c ?0)))
+	  (when (match-beginning N)
+	    (push (buffer-substring (match-beginning N) (match-end N))
+		  expanded))))
+      (setq pos (1+ pos)))
+    (if did-expand
+	(apply 'concat (nreverse expanded))
+      newtext)))
+;; tries to match all rules in nnimap-split-rule against content of 
+;; nntp-server-buffer, returns a list of groups that matched.
+(defun nnimap-split-to-groups (rules)
+  (let (to-groups regrepp)
+    (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
+      ;; Fold continuation lines.
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (re-search-forward "\\(\r?\n[ \t]+\\)+" nil t)
+	(replace-match " " t t))
+      (catch 'split-done
+	(dolist (rule rules to-groups)
+	  (let ((group (car rule))
+		(regexp (cadr rule)))
+	    (goto-char (point-min))
+	    (when (and (if (stringp regexp)
+			   (progn
+			     (setq regrepp (string-match "\\\\[0-9&]" group))
+			     (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+			 (funcall regexp group))
+		       ;; Don't enter the article into the same group twice.
+		       (not (assoc group to-groups)))
+	      (push (if regrepp
+			(nnimap-expand-newtext group)
+		      group)
+		    to-groups)
+	      (or nnimap-split-crosspost
+		  (throw 'split-done to-groups)))))))))
+(defun nnimap-split-find-rule (server inbox)
+  nnimap-split-rule)
+(defun nnimap-split-find-inbox (server)
+  (if (listp nnimap-split-inbox)
+      nnimap-split-inbox
+    (list nnimap-split-inbox)))
+(defun nnimap-split-articles (&optional group server)
+  (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
+    (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+      (let (rule inbox (inboxes (nnimap-split-find-inbox server)))
+	;; iterate over inboxes
+	(while (and (setq inbox (pop inboxes))
+		    (nnimap-possibly-change-group inbox)) ;; SELECT
+	  ;; find split rule for this server / inbox
+	  (when (setq rule (nnimap-split-find-rule server inbox))
+	    ;; iterate over articles
+	    (dolist (article (imap-search "UNSEEN"))
+	      (when (nnimap-request-head article)
+		;; move article to right group(s)
+		(dolist (to-group (nnimap-split-to-groups rule) t)
+		  (nnimap-split-move-article article inbox to-group server)))))
+	  (when (imap-mailbox-select inbox) ;; just in case
+	    ;; todo: UID EXPUNGE (if available) to remove splitted articles
+	    (nnimap-expunge-close-group)))
+	t))))
+;; (nn)IMAP specific decisions:
+;; o deletion of reply-marks is prohibited
+;; o dormant articles are also marked as ticked
+;; action looks like:
+;;   (((1 . 10) 'set '(read ticked))
+;;    ((1 . 10) 'del '(tick reply expire killed dormant save download unsend)))
+(deffoo nnimap-request-set-mark (group actions &optional server)
+  (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server)
+    (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+      (let (action)
+	(gnus-message 7 "Setting marks in %s:%s..."  
+		      (nnoo-current-server 'nnimap) group)
+	(while (setq action (pop actions))
+	  (let ((range (nth 0 action))
+		(what  (nth 1 action))
+		(pred  (nth 2 action)))
+	    ;; enforce local decisions
+	    (if (eq what 'del)
+		(setq pred (delq 'reply pred)))
+	    (if (memq 'dormant pred)
+		(setq pred (cons 'tick pred)))
+	    (when (and range pred)
+	      (cond ((eq what 'del)
+		     (imap-message-flags-del (nnimap-range-to-string range)
+					   (nnimap-mark-to-flag pred nil t)))
+		    ((eq what 'add)
+		     (imap-message-flags-add (nnimap-range-to-string range)
+					   (nnimap-mark-to-flag pred nil t)))
+		    ((eq what 'set)
+		     (imap-message-flags-set (nnimap-range-to-string range)
+					   (nnimap-mark-to-flag pred nil t)))))))
+	(gnus-message 7 "Setting marks in %s:%s...done" 
+		      (nnoo-current-server 'nnimap) group)))))
+(deffoo nnimap-request-move-article (article group server
+					     accept-form &optional last)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *nnimap move*"))
+	  result)
+      (and 
+       (nnimap-request-article article group server)
+       (save-excursion
+	 (set-buffer buf)
+	 (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
+	 (insert-buffer-substring nntp-server-buffer)
+	 (setq result (eval accept-form))
+	 (kill-buffer buf)
+	 result)
+       (nnimap-request-expire-articles (list article) group server t))
+      result)))
+;;; Gnus functions
+(defun gnus-group-nnimap-expunge (group)
+  "Expunge deleted articles in current nnimap GROUP."
+  (interactive (list (gnus-group-group-name)))
+  (let ((mailbox (gnus-group-real-name group))
+	method)
+    (unless group
+      (error "No group on current line"))
+    (unless (gnus-get-info group)
+      (error "Killed group; can't be edited"))
+    (unless (eq 'nnimap (car (setq method (gnus-find-method-for-group group))))
+      (error "Expunging only available for nnimap groups"))
+    (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group mailbox (cadr method))
+      (nnimap-send-command-wait "EXPUNGE" nnimap-server-buffer))))
+(defun gnus-group-nnimap-edit-acl (group)
+  "Edit the Access Control List of current nnimap GROUP."
+  (interactive (list (gnus-group-group-name)))
+  (let ((mailbox (gnus-group-real-name group))
+	method acl)
+    (unless group
+      (error "No group on current line"))
+    (unless (gnus-get-info group)
+      (error "Killed group; can't be edited"))
+    (unless (eq 'nnimap (car (setq method (gnus-find-method-for-group group))))
+      (error "ACL editing only available for nnimap groups"))
+    (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server (cadr method))
+      (unless (imap-capability 'ACL nnimap-server-buffer)
+	(error "Your server does not support ACL editing"))
+      (gnus-edit-form (setq acl (imap-mailbox-acl-get mailbox 
+						      nnimap-server-buffer))
+		      (format "Editing the access control list for `%s'.
+   An access control list is a list of (identifier . rights) elements.
+   The identifier string specifies the corresponding user. The
+   identifier \"anyone\" is reserved to refer to the universal identity.
+   Rights is a string listing a (possibly empty) set of alphanumeric
+   characters, each character listing a set of operations which is being
+   controlled. Letters are reserved for ``standard'' rights, listed
+   below.  Digits are reserved for implementation or site defined rights.
+   l - lookup (mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands)
+   r - read (SELECT the mailbox, perform CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL,
+       SEARCH, COPY from mailbox)
+   s - keep seen/unseen information across sessions (STORE SEEN flag)
+   w - write (STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED)
+   i - insert (perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox)
+   p - post (send mail to submission address for mailbox,
+       not enforced by IMAP4 itself)
+   c - create (CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any implementation-defined
+       hierarchy)
+   d - delete (STORE DELETED flag, perform EXPUNGE)
+   a - administer (perform SETACL)" group)
+		      `(lambda (form) 
+			 (gnus-group-nnimap-edit-acl-done 
+			  ,mailbox ',method ',acl form))))))
-;; nnimap 1.x functions:
+(defun gnus-group-nnimap-edit-acl-done (mailbox method old-acls new-acls)
+  (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server (cadr method))
+    (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+      ;; delete all removed identifiers
+      (mapcar (lambda (old-acl)
+		(unless (assoc (car old-acl) new-acls)
+		    (or (imap-mailbox-acl-delete (car old-acl) mailbox)
+			(error "Can't delete ACL for %s..." (car old-acl)))))
+	      old-acls)
+      ;; set all changed acl's
+      (mapcar (lambda (new-acl)
+		(let ((new-rights (cdr new-acl))
+		      (old-rights (cdr (assoc (car new-acl) old-acls))))
+		(unless (and old-rights new-rights
+			     (string= old-rights new-rights))
+		  (or (imap-mailbox-acl-set (car new-acl) new-rights mailbox)
+		      (error "Can't set ACL for %s to %s..." (car new-acl)
+			     new-rights)))))
+	      new-acls)
+      t)))
+;;; Gnus glue
+(defun nnimap-group-mode-hook ()
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map (if (fboundp 'kbd) (kbd "G l")
+				    (read-kbd-macro "G l"))
+    'gnus-group-nnimap-edit-acl)
+  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map (if (fboundp 'kbd) (kbd "G x")
+				    (read-kbd-macro "G x"))
+    'gnus-group-nnimap-expunge))
+(add-hook 'gnus-group-mode-hook 'nnimap-group-mode-hook)
 ;; legacy functions:
@@ -361,22 +645,6 @@
 (nnoo-define-basics nnimap)
-(defun nnimap-body-lines (body)
-  "Return number of lines in article by looking at the mime bodystructure
-  (if (listp body)
-      (if (stringp (car body))
-	  (cond ((and (string= (car body) "TEXT")
-		      (numberp (nth 7 body)))
-		 (nth 7 body))
-		((and (string= (car body) "MESSAGE")
-		      (numberp (nth 9 body)))
-		 (nth 9 body))
-		(t 0))
-	(apply '+ (mapcar 'nnimap-body-lines body)))
-    0))
 (defun nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress ()
   (when (> nnimap-length 25)
     (setq nnimap-counter (1+ nnimap-counter))
@@ -742,90 +1010,6 @@
 (deffoo nnimap-request-type (group article)
-(defun nnimap-split-copy-delete-article (article group to-group server)
-  "Move article ARTICLE from group GROUP on current server to group TO-GROUP."
-  (when (nnimap-ok-p (nnimap-send-command-wait
-		      (format "UID COPY %d %s" article to-group)))
-    (setq nnimap-need-expunge t)
-    (if (imap-message-flags-add (format "%d" article) "\\Seen \\Deleted")
-	(message "IMAP split moved %s:%s:%d to %s" server group
-		 article to-group)
-      (error "IMAP flag store failed: you may have unread mail marked as read!"))))
-(defun nnimap-split-move-article (article group to-group server)
-  (when to-group
-    (unless (nnimap-split-copy-delete-article article group to-group server)
-      (message "Could not find mailbox %s, creating..." to-group)
-      (if (nnimap-ok-p (nnimap-send-command-wait
-			(format "CREATE %s" to-group)))
-	  (nnimap-split-copy-delete-article article group to-group server)
-	(message "Could not create mailbox %s." to-group)))))
-;; tries to match all rules in nnimap-split-rule against content of 
-;; nntp-server-buffer, returns a list of groups that matched.
-(defun nnimap-split-to-groups (rule)
-  (let (to-groups)
-    (with-current-buffer nntp-server-buffer
-      (mapcar (lambda (rule) 
-		(let ((group (car rule))
-		      (regexp (cadr rule)))
-		  ;; Fold continuation lines.
-		  (goto-char (point-min))
-		  (while (re-search-forward "\\(\r?\n[ \t]+\\)+" nil t)
-		    (replace-match " " t t))
-		  (goto-char (point-min))
-		  (when (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
-		    (setq to-groups (cons group to-groups)))))
-	      rule)
-      (reverse to-groups))))
-(defun nnimap-split-find-rule (server inbox)
-  nnimap-split-rule)
-(defun nnimap-split-find-inbox (server)
-  (if (listp nnimap-split-inbox)
-      nnimap-split-inbox
-    (list nnimap-split-inbox)))
-(defun nnimap-split-articles (&optional group server)
-  (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
-    (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
-      (let (rule inbox (inboxes (nnimap-split-find-inbox server)))
-	;; iterate over inboxes
-	(while (and (setq inbox (pop inboxes))
-		    (nnimap-possibly-change-group inbox)) ;; SELECT
-	  ;; find split rule for this server / inbox
-	  (when (setq rule (nnimap-split-find-rule server inbox))
-	    (let (article (unseens (imap-search "UNSEEN")))
-	      ;; iterate over articles
-	      (while (setq article (pop unseens))
-		(when (nnimap-request-head article)
-		  ;; article into what groups?
-		  (let ((groups (nnimap-split-to-groups rule)))
-		    ;; move it there
-		    (if nnimap-split-crosspost
-			;; move to all boxes
-			(let (to-group)
-			  (while (setq to-group (pop groups))
-			    (nnimap-split-move-article article inbox 
-						       to-group server)))
-		      ;; move to first matching box, if any
-		      (nnimap-split-move-article article inbox 
-						 (car groups) server)))))))
-	  (when (imap-mailbox-select inbox) ;; just in case
-	    ;; todo: UID EXPUNGE (if available) to remove splitted articles
-	    (nnimap-expunge-close-group)))
-	t))))
-;; nnimap-request-scan doesn't need to do anything. the delivery agent
-;; program is responsible for putting new message in the imap folders.
-;; compare the situation with nntp (nil function) and with all nnmail-
-;; backends (fetches mail from spools, POPing, saving in files on local
-;; storage etc).
-;; On the other hand, we could do message splitting here.
-(deffoo nnimap-request-scan (&optional group server)
-  (nnimap-split-articles group server))
 ;; until everyone uses gnus >= 5.6.24
 (deffoo nnimap-request-group-description (group &optional server)
   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
@@ -847,43 +1031,6 @@
-;; (nn)IMAP specific decisions:
-;; o deletion of reply-marks is prohibited
-;; o dormant articles are also marked as ticked
-;; action looks like:
-;;   (((1 . 10) 'set '(read ticked))
-;;    ((1 . 10) 'del '(tick reply expire killed dormant save download unsend)))
-(deffoo nnimap-request-set-mark (group actions &optional server)
-  (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server)
-    (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
-      (let (action)
-	(gnus-message 7 "Setting marks in %s:%s..."  
-		      (nnoo-current-server 'nnimap) group)
-	(while (setq action (pop actions))
-	  (let ((range (nth 0 action))
-		(what  (nth 1 action))
-		(pred  (nth 2 action)))
-	    ;; enforce local decisions
-	    (if (eq what 'del)
-		(setq pred (delq 'reply pred)))
-	    (if (memq 'dormant pred)
-		(setq pred (cons 'tick pred)))
-	    (when (and range pred)
-	      (cond ((eq what 'del)
-		     (imap-message-flags-del (nnimap-range-to-string range)
-					   (nnimap-mark-to-flag pred nil t)))
-		    ((eq what 'add)
-		     (imap-message-flags-add (nnimap-range-to-string range)
-					   (nnimap-mark-to-flag pred nil t)))
-		    ((eq what 'set)
-		     (imap-message-flags-set (nnimap-range-to-string range)
-					   (nnimap-mark-to-flag pred nil t)))))))
-	(gnus-message 7 "Setting marks in %s:%s...done" 
-		      (nnoo-current-server 'nnimap) group)))))
 (deffoo nnimap-request-create-group (group &optional server args)
   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
     (nnimap-ok-p (nnimap-send-command-wait
@@ -956,35 +1103,17 @@
   ;; return articles not deleted
-(deffoo nnimap-request-move-article (article group server
-					     accept-form &optional last)
-  (save-excursion
-    (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *nnimap move*"))
-	  result)
-      (and 
-       (nnimap-request-article article group server)
-       (save-excursion
-	 (set-buffer buf)
-	 (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
-	 (insert-buffer-substring nntp-server-buffer)
-	 (setq result (eval accept-form))
-	 (kill-buffer buf)
-	 result)
-       (nnimap-request-expire-articles (list article) group server t))
-      result)))
 (deffoo nnimap-request-accept-article (group &optional server last)
   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server server)
-    ;; turn into rfc822 format (\r\n eol's) if needed
+    ;; turn into rfc822 format (\r\n eol's)
     (with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
       (goto-char (point-min))
-      (while (re-search-forward "\\(^\\|[^\r]\\)\n" nil t)
+      (while (re-search-forward "\n" nil t)
 	(replace-match "\r\n")))
-    (let ((status (imap-message-append group
-				       (current-buffer)
+    (let ((status (imap-message-append group (current-buffer)
       (when status
-	(cons group (nth 2 status))))))
+	(cons group (nth 1 status))))))
 ;; (deffoo nnimap-request-replace-article -- IMAP does not support replacing
@@ -1016,7 +1145,7 @@
 ;; predicate => "SEEN", "FLAGGED", "DRAFT", "KEYWORD gnus-expire" etc
 ;; Mark should not really contain 'read since it's not a "mark" in the Gnus
-;; world, but we cheat. Mark == gnus-articlemark-lists + '(read . read).
+;; world, but we cheat. Mark == gnus-article-mark-lists + '(read . read).
 (defconst nnimap-mark-to-predicate-alist
@@ -1180,27 +1309,10 @@
 			   (not (gnus-info-read info)))
 		      (gnus-group-set-parameter groupname 'uidvalidity 
-		    (message "UIDVALIDITY clash. Old value `%s', new `%s'"
-			     old-uid new-uid)
+		    (message "UIDVALIDITY clash in group %s. Old value `%s', new `%s'" group old-uid new-uid)
-;;; Gnus functions
-(defun gnus-group-nnimap-expunge (group)
-  "Expunge deleted articles in current nnimap GROUP."
-  (interactive (list (gnus-group-group-name)))
-  (let ((mailbox (gnus-group-real-name group))
-	method)
-    (unless group
-      (error "No group on current line"))
-    (unless (gnus-get-info group)
-      (error "Killed group; can't be edited"))
-    (unless (eq 'nnimap (car (setq method (gnus-find-method-for-group group))))
-      (error "Expunging only available for nnimap groups"))
-    (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group mailbox (cadr method))
-      (nnimap-send-command-wait "EXPUNGE" nnimap-server-buffer))))
   (if (not (fboundp 'destructive-plist-to-alist)) ;; From XEmacs subr.el 
       (defun destructive-plist-to-alist (plist)
@@ -1228,82 +1340,6 @@
 	    (setcdr plist next)
 	    (setq plist next))
-(defun gnus-group-nnimap-edit-acl (group)
-  "Edit the Access Control List of current nnimap GROUP."
-  (interactive (list (gnus-group-group-name)))
-  (let ((mailbox (gnus-group-real-name group))
-	method acl)
-    (unless group
-      (error "No group on current line"))
-    (unless (gnus-get-info group)
-      (error "Killed group; can't be edited"))
-    (unless (eq 'nnimap (car (setq method (gnus-find-method-for-group group))))
-      (error "ACL editing only available for nnimap groups"))
-    (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server (cadr method))
-      (unless (imap-capability 'ACL nnimap-server-buffer)
-	(error "Your server does not support ACL editing"))
-      (gnus-edit-form (setq acl (imap-mailbox-acl-get mailbox 
-						      nnimap-server-buffer))
-		      (format "Editing the access control list for `%s'.
-   An access control list is a list of (identifier . rights) elements.
-   The identifier string specifies the corresponding user. The
-   identifier \"anyone\" is reserved to refer to the universal identity.
-   Rights is a string listing a (possibly empty) set of alphanumeric
-   characters, each character listing a set of operations which is being
-   controlled. Letters are reserved for ``standard'' rights, listed
-   below.  Digits are reserved for implementation or site defined rights.
-   l - lookup (mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands)
-   r - read (SELECT the mailbox, perform CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL,
-       SEARCH, COPY from mailbox)
-   s - keep seen/unseen information across sessions (STORE SEEN flag)
-   w - write (STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED)
-   i - insert (perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox)
-   p - post (send mail to submission address for mailbox,
-       not enforced by IMAP4 itself)
-   c - create (CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any implementation-defined
-       hierarchy)
-   d - delete (STORE DELETED flag, perform EXPUNGE)
-   a - administer (perform SETACL)" group)
-		      `(lambda (form) 
-			 (gnus-group-nnimap-edit-acl-done 
-			  ,mailbox ',method ',acl form))))))
-(defun gnus-group-nnimap-edit-acl-done (mailbox method old-acls new-acls)
-  (when (nnimap-possibly-change-server (cadr method))
-    (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
-      ;; delete all removed identifiers
-      (mapcar (lambda (old-acl)
-		(unless (assoc (car old-acl) new-acls)
-		    (or (imap-mailbox-acl-delete (car old-acl) mailbox)
-			(error "Can't delete ACL for %s..." (car old-acl)))))
-	      old-acls)
-      ;; set all changed acl's
-      (mapcar (lambda (new-acl)
-		(let ((new-rights (cdr new-acl))
-		      (old-rights (cdr (assoc (car new-acl) old-acls))))
-		(unless (and old-rights new-rights
-			     (string= old-rights new-rights))
-		  (or (imap-mailbox-acl-set (car new-acl) new-rights mailbox)
-		      (error "Can't set ACL for %s to %s..." (car new-acl)
-			     new-rights)))))
-	      new-acls)
-      t)))
-;;; Gnus glue
-(defun nnimap-group-mode-hook ()
-  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map (if (fboundp 'kbd) (kbd "G l")
-				    (read-kbd-macro "G l"))
-    'gnus-group-nnimap-edit-acl)
-  (define-key gnus-group-mode-map (if (fboundp 'kbd) (kbd "G x")
-				    (read-kbd-macro "G x"))
-    'gnus-group-nnimap-expunge))
-(add-hook 'gnus-group-mode-hook 'nnimap-group-mode-hook)
 (provide 'nnimap)
Index: nnimap/nnimap.texi
diff -u nnimap/nnimap.texi:1.19 nnimap/nnimap.texi:1.20
--- nnimap/nnimap.texi:1.19	Fri Dec 18 12:51:18 1998
+++ nnimap/nnimap.texi	Thu Jan 28 15:00:52 1999
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
 @setchapternewpage odd
 @paragraphindent 0
-@set VERSION $Revision: 1.1 $
+@set VERSION $Revision: 1.1 $
      This file documents nnimap, an Emacs Lisp package for accessing
      IMAP servers from GNUS.
-     Copyright 1998 Simon Josefsson, texinfo conversion by Martin Fouts
+     Copyright 1998,1999 Simon Josefsson, texinfo conversion by Martin Fouts.
      Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim
      copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and
@@ -506,23 +506,39 @@
 (setq nnimap-split-rule
-        '(("INBOX.nnimap"     "^Sender: owner-nnimap@@vic20.globalcom.se")
+        '(("INBOX.nnimap"        "^Sender: owner-nnimap@@vic20.globalcom.se")
           ("INBOX.spam"          "^Subject:.*MAKE MONEY")
           ("INBOX.private"       "")))
 @end lisp
-This will put all articles from the nnimap mailing list into the IMAP
-mailbox INBOX.nnimap, all articles containing MAKE MONEY in the Subject:
-line in INBOX.spam and everything else in INBOX.private.
-It's probably a very good idea to have a empty regexp as the last entry
-has in the example, this will clear the incoming mailbox from mail that
-otherwise would be subject to the splitting process every time you start
+This will put all articles from the nnimap mailing list into mailbox
+INBOX.nnimap, all articles containing MAKE MONEY in the Subject: line
+into INBOX.spam and everything else in INBOX.private.
+The first string may contain `\\1' forms, like the ones used by
+replace-match to insert sub-expressions from the matched text. For
+          ("INBOX.lists.\\1"     "^Sender: owner-\\([a-z-]+\\)@")
+@end lisp
+The second element can also be a function. In that case, it will be
+called with the first element of the rule as the argument, in a buffer
+containing the headers of the article. It should return a non-nil value
+if it thinks that the mail belongs in that group.
+The last of these groups should always be a general one, and the regular
+expression should always be `' so that it matches any mails that haven't
+been matched by any of the other regexps.
+These rules are processed from the beginning of the alist toward the
+end. The first rule to make a match will "win", unless you have
+crossposting enabled. In that case, all matching rules will "win".
 The splitting code tries to create mailboxes if it has too.
-Nnmail (semi-)equivalent: @code{nnmail-split-methods}.
+Nnmail equivalent: @code{nnmail-split-methods}.
 @node config-expiring, config-krb, config-splitting, config
 @section Expiring Mail