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Re: folder location vs. group name (uwash server whining)

Michael McIlrath <mbm@mit.edu> writes:

> Is there a way to specify the group name (to appear in the Group
> buffer and elsewhere) separately from the folder location?

Not currently.

> (setq gnus-select-method 
>       '(nnimap "mtl"
> 	       (nnimap-server-address "mtl.mit.edu")
>        	       (nnimap-list-pattern
> 		("INBOX"  ("/mail/folders/mbm/" . "mail.*")))
> 	       (nnimap-split-inbox ("INBOX"))
> 	       (nnimap-list-method "LIST")
> 	       (nnimap-split-rule
> 		(("mail.nnimap"     "nnimap@extundo.com")
> 		...

Nnimap-split-* aren't server variables, `setq' them as normal
variables instead.

> would split my mail up into files stored on the server in
> the /mail/folders/mbm/mail.* directory, and name the groups
> mail.*.  Instead, it stores the mail in my home directory,
> and requires me to refer to the mailboxes on the server
> as /mail/folders/mbm/mail.* in the Group buffer.

Yup, this is intentional. Nnimap-list-pattern only limit the amount of
mailboxes shown when listing mailboxes. Use the real mailbox name in
`nnimap-split-rule' and things should work better.

This is because nnimap wouldn't know what mailbox you meant if you
said "mail.nnimap" -- "INBOX.mail.nnimap" or

Someone said NAMESPACE-support but I don't see how that would improve
