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Re: Port numbers in .authinfo lost with upgrade to 0.3.30/0.3.31

jrp@informix.com (Joshua R. Poulson) writes:

> I'm that guy that logs into multiple imap servers, and uses unusual
> port numbers. I'm stuck at 0.3.28 since the subsequent releases have
> once again dropped support for port numbers in the .authinfo lines.
> According to the logs, the port number is being set to nil.

The syntax of these things have changed, something like what is
described at <URL:http://www.extundo.com/gnus-imap/nnimap.html#SEC28>
should work.

I think this is more proper way of doing multi-port things together
with a netrc file (wish doesn't support it), sorry for breaking
backwards compatibility.

> 0.3.28 has its own problems like the occasional "This shouldn't
> happen" message indicating I can't do imap anymore until I quit Gnus
> and restart.

I'm not sure why this happens, Jim added the message to help us trace
it. It feels like a Gnus bug.

You should however be able to use imap by using the server buffer and
press C (close) and then O (open) on your server.

Tech talk:

The relevant code part is

(deffoo nnimap-open-server (server &optional defs)
  (or (and (nnimap-server-opened server)
	   (nnoo-change-server 'nnimap server defs)
           (if (null nnimap-server-buffer)
               (error "this shouldn't happen")

As you can see, nnimap-open-server is unable to find the server
variables wish should be buffer local to the buffer in wish the
function is called in.