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Re: nnimap 0.3.11 comments

Jake Colman <colman@ppllc.com> writes:

> 1) I could only subscribe to my INBOX via the server buffer.  A 'U' in the
>    groups buffer did NOT provide acceess to a list of mailboxes.

Do you have other mailboxes than INBOX?

> 2) Split did something but not what I expected.  I subscribed to
> INBOX and a an INBOX entry appeared in my groups buffer.  I did a
> fetch ('g') and it fetched the mail into INBOX.  It did NOT split
> the mail into new groups in the groups buffer and did not create new
> mailboxes in the IMAP Server.

Did you set nnimap-split-inbox?  You must set it to your IMAP incoming
mailbox, in your case it sounds like it should be "INBOX", otherwise
splitting will not be activated.

> It DID create new directories in my Mail subdirectory.  I suppose I
> could have brought those into my groups buffer manually?  How
> does/did/should it work?

Nnimap should never create local files.  What does the files look

> 3) The count of mail in my INBOX is correct.

This is a Gnus problem. It's incorrect for other backends as well but
it's most notable with nnimap.

> The length of individual messages is incorrect.

Do you mean number of lines in article?  This information is not
available so nnimap set's this to 0.

You do get a count of characters in article, and it's available for
use with the %c summary-line-format character. I use this:

(setq gnus-summary-line-format "%U%R%z%I%(%[%6c/%4L: %-20,20n%]%) %s\n")

If this value is incorrect, the server is broken.

> 4) Mail that I read via nnimap WAS marked correctly as read on the Server.

> 5) How does one delete mail from the server?

"B DEL" flags articles as deleted, EXPUNGE that actually removes
articles from the server is not used yet.
