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Re: Problem with huge number of mailboxes in IMAP server

> I tried to fire up GNUS imap, and I noticed a problem. The way we're
> set up around here, a user's home directory is the root of their
> IMAP store. As a result, when I try to read my IMAP mail it searches
> EVERYTHING under ~ thinking it's all mailboxes.

I use the following:

  (setq gnus-select-method 
          (nnimap-server-address "robby.caltech.edu")
	  (nnimap-server-port 143)
          (nnimap-list-pattern '("INBOX" "~/Mail/*"))))

IMAP also has the concept of subscription.  nnimap cannot currently
SUBSCRIBE, but if you did it from another application, then nnimap
can use the subscription list by adding
(nnimap-list-method "LSUB")
to the above.

Good Luck,