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Re: error creating an imap group

Actually, on further experimentation, this error doesn't seem to
happen all the time, but only with the first time that I use IMAP.
I think.  Once a connection has been made to the imap server, e.g.
by hitting M-g on an nnimap group, then further group creations work

Dan Christensen <jdc@chow.mat.jhu.edu> writes:
> Every time I create an nnimap group with `G m', I get the error:
> Imap-mailbox-data is nil. Property uidvalidity value 929131668 mailbox debian2
> This is with nnimap 0.116 and pgnus 0.87 with the gnus-agent.el,
> nnagent.el and gnus-cache.el patches applied, but it also happened
> with the only other versions I tried, 0.114 and 0.84 resp.
> Emacs doesn't return to "command mode" until I hit C-g, but it does
> produce a backtrace if I have debug-on-error set:
> Signaling: (error "Imap-mailbox-data is nil. Property uidvalidity value 929131668 mailbox debian2")
>   signal(error ("Imap-mailbox-data is nil. Property uidvalidity value 929131668 mailbox debian2"))
>   error("Imap-mailbox-data is nil. Property %s value %s mailbox %s" uidvalidity "929131668" "debian2")
>   imap-mailbox-put(uidvalidity "929131668" "debian2")
>   imap-parse-status()
>   imap-parse-response()
>   imap-arrival-filter(#<process imap> "* STATUS debian2 (UIDVALIDITY 929131668)
\n4 OK STATUS completed
>   accept-process-output(#<process imap> 1)
>   imap-wait-for-tag(4 nil)
>   imap-send-command-wait(("STATUS " "\"debian2\"" " " "(uidvalidity)"))
>   imap-mailbox-status("debian2" uidvalidity " *nnimap* chow.mat.jhu.edu")
>   ad-Orig-nnimap-request-create-group("debian2" "chow.mat.jhu.edu" nil)
>   (setq ad-return-value (ad-Orig-nnimap-request-create-group group server args))
>   (let ((trace-level ...) (trace-buffer ...)) (save-excursion (set-buffer trace-buffer) (goto-char ...) (if ... ...) (insert ...)) (setq ad-return-value (ad-Orig-nnimap-request-create-group group server args)) (save-excursion (set-buffer trace-buffer) (goto-char ...) (insert ...)))
>   (let (ad-return-value) (let (... ...) (save-excursion ... ... ... ...) (setq ad-return-value ...) (save-excursion ... ... ...)) ad-return-value)
>   nnimap-request-create-group("debian2" "chow.mat.jhu.edu" nil)
>   gnus-request-create-group("nnimap+chow.mat.jhu.edu:debian2" nil nil)
>   gnus-group-make-group("debian2" (nnimap "chow.mat.jhu.edu"))
> * call-interactively(gnus-group-make-group)
> The group works fine after I hit C-g (or `q' from the backtrace).  Any ideas?
> Dan
> -- 
> Dan Christensen
> jdc@math.jhu.edu