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Re: Moving from nnml to nnimap loses marks?

Kai.Grossjohann@CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE writes:

  > No, it isn't.  I'm sorta convinced that this is the right way to go,
  > i.e. in gnus-summary-move-article one needs to tell the backend about
  > the marks change.  But I don't grok _how_ to do that :-(

Well, I think I'm a bit further now, but I see strange things.  I
changed gnus-summary-move-article as follows:

| (defun gnus-summary-move-article (&optional n to-newsgroup
|                                             select-method action)
|   "Move the current article to a different newsgroup.
| If N is a positive number, move the N next articles.
| If N is a negative number, move the N previous articles.
| If N is nil and any articles have been marked with the process mark,
| move those articles instead.
| If TO-NEWSGROUP is string, do not prompt for a newsgroup to move to.
| If SELECT-METHOD is non-nil, do not move to a specific newsgroup, but
| re-spool using this method.
| For this function to work, both the current newsgroup and the
| newsgroup that you want to move to have to support the `request-move'
| and `request-accept' functions."
|   (interactive "P")
|   (unless action
|     (setq action 'move))
|   ;; Disable marking as read.
|   (let (gnus-mark-article-hook)
|     (save-window-excursion
|       (gnus-summary-select-article)))
|   ;; Check whether the source group supports the required functions.
|   (cond ((and (eq action 'move)
|               (not (gnus-check-backend-function
|                     'request-move-article gnus-newsgroup-name)))
|          (error "The current group does not support article moving"))
|         ((and (eq action 'crosspost)
|               (not (gnus-check-backend-function
|                     'request-replace-article gnus-newsgroup-name)))
|          (error "The current group does not support article editing")))
|   (let ((articles (gnus-summary-work-articles n))
|         (prefix (gnus-group-real-prefix gnus-newsgroup-name))
|         (names '((move "Move" "Moving")
|                  (copy "Copy" "Copying")
|                  (crosspost "Crosspost" "Crossposting")))
|         (copy-buf (save-excursion
|                     (nnheader-set-temp-buffer " *copy article*")))
|         art-group to-method new-xref article to-groups)
|     (unless (assq action names)
|       (error "Unknown action %s" action))
|     ;; Read the newsgroup name.
|     (when (and (not to-newsgroup)
|                (not select-method))
|       (setq to-newsgroup
|             (gnus-read-move-group-name
|              (cadr (assq action names))
|              (symbol-value (intern (format "gnus-current-%s-group" action)))
|              articles prefix))
|       (set (intern (format "gnus-current-%s-group" action)) to-newsgroup))
|     (setq to-method (or select-method
|                         (gnus-group-name-to-method to-newsgroup)))
|     ;; Check the method we are to move this article to...
|     (unless (gnus-check-backend-function
|              'request-accept-article (car to-method))
|       (error "%s does not support article copying" (car to-method)))
|     (unless (gnus-check-server to-method)
|       (error "Can't open server %s" (car to-method)))
|     (gnus-message 6 "%s to %s: %s..."
|                   (caddr (assq action names))
|                   (or (car select-method) to-newsgroup) articles)
|     (while articles
|       (setq article (pop articles))
|       (setq
|        art-group
|        (cond
|         ;; Move the article.
|         ((eq action 'move)
|          ;; Remove this article from future suppression.
|          (gnus-dup-unsuppress-article article)
|          (gnus-request-move-article
|           article			; Article to move
|           gnus-newsgroup-name		; From newsgroup
|           (nth 1 (gnus-find-method-for-group
|                   gnus-newsgroup-name)) ; Server
|           (list 'gnus-request-accept-article
|                 to-newsgroup (list 'quote select-method)
|                 (not articles) t)		; Accept form
|           (not articles)))		; Only save nov last time
|         ;; Copy the article.
|         ((eq action 'copy)
|          (save-excursion
|            (set-buffer copy-buf)
|            (when (gnus-request-article-this-buffer article gnus-newsgroup-name)
|              (gnus-request-accept-article
|               to-newsgroup select-method (not articles) t))))
|         ;; Crosspost the article.
|         ((eq action 'crosspost)
|          (let ((xref (message-tokenize-header
|                       (mail-header-xref (gnus-summary-article-header article))
|                       " ")))
|            (setq new-xref (concat (gnus-group-real-name gnus-newsgroup-name)
|                                   ":" article))
|            (unless xref
|              (setq xref (list (system-name))))
|            (setq new-xref
|                  (concat
|                   (mapconcat 'identity
|                              (delete "Xref:" (delete new-xref xref))
|                              " ")
|                   " " new-xref))
|            (save-excursion
|              (set-buffer copy-buf)
|              ;; First put the article in the destination group.
|              (gnus-request-article-this-buffer article gnus-newsgroup-name)
|              (when (consp (setq art-group
|                                 (gnus-request-accept-article
|                                  to-newsgroup select-method (not articles))))
|                (setq new-xref (concat new-xref " " (car art-group)
|                                       ":" (cdr art-group)))
|                ;; Now we have the new Xrefs header, so we insert
|                ;; it and replace the new article.
|                (nnheader-replace-header "Xref" new-xref)
|                (gnus-request-replace-article
|                 (cdr art-group) to-newsgroup (current-buffer))
|                art-group))))))
|       (cond
|        ((not art-group)
|         (gnus-message 1 "Couldn't %s article %s"
|                       (cadr (assq action names)) article))
|        ((and (eq art-group 'junk)
|              (eq action 'move))
|         (gnus-summary-mark-article article gnus-canceled-mark)
|         (gnus-message 4 "Deleted article %s" article))
|        (t
|         (let* ((pto-group (gnus-group-prefixed-name
|                            (car art-group) to-method))
|                (entry
|                 (gnus-gethash pto-group gnus-newsrc-hashtb))
|                (info (nth 2 entry))
|                (to-group (gnus-info-group info)))
|           ;; Update the group that has been moved to.
|           (when (and info
|                      (memq action '(move copy)))
|             (unless (member to-group to-groups)
|               (push to-group to-groups))
|             (unless (memq article gnus-newsgroup-unreads)
|               (gnus-info-set-read
|                info (gnus-add-to-range (gnus-info-read info)
|                                        (list (cdr art-group)))))
|             ;; Copy any marks over to the new group.
|             (let ((marks gnus-article-mark-lists)
|                   (to-article (cdr art-group))
|                   (to-marks nil))       ;kai
|               ;; kai: is the current article marked as read?
|               (unless (or (memq article gnus-newsgroup-marked)
|                           (memq article gnus-newsgroup-dormant)
|                           (memq article gnus-newsgroup-unreads))
|                 (push 'read to-marks))
|               ;; See whether the article is to be put in the cache.
|               (when gnus-use-cache
|                 (gnus-cache-possibly-enter-article
|                  to-group to-article
|                  (let ((header (copy-sequence
|                                 (gnus-summary-article-header article))))
|                    (mail-header-set-number header to-article)
|                    header)
|                  (memq article gnus-newsgroup-marked)
|                  (memq article gnus-newsgroup-dormant)
|                  (memq article gnus-newsgroup-unreads)))
|               (when (and (equal to-group gnus-newsgroup-name)
|                          (not (memq article gnus-newsgroup-unreads)))
|                 ;; Mark this article as read in this group.
|                 (push (cons to-article gnus-read-mark) gnus-newsgroup-reads)
|                 (setcdr (gnus-active to-group) to-article)
|                 (setcdr gnus-newsgroup-active to-article))
|               (while marks
|                 (when (memq article (symbol-value
|                                      (intern (format "gnus-newsgroup-%s"
|                                                      (caar marks)))))
|                   (push (cdar marks) to-marks) ;kai
|                   ;; If the other group is the same as this group,
|                   ;; then we have to add the mark to the list.
|                   (when (equal to-group gnus-newsgroup-name)
|                     (set (intern (format "gnus-newsgroup-%s" (caar marks)))
|                          (cons to-article
|                                (symbol-value
|                                 (intern (format "gnus-newsgroup-%s"
|                                                 (caar marks)))))))
|                   ;; Copy the marks to other group.
|                   (gnus-add-marked-articles
|                    to-group (cdar marks) (list to-article) info))
|                 (setq marks (cdr marks)))
|               (message "kai: set marks: group %s, article %s: %s"
|                        to-group to-article to-marks)
|               (gnus-request-set-mark
|                to-group
|                (list (list (list to-article) 'set
|                            to-marks)))
|               (gnus-dribble-enter
|                (concat "(gnus-group-set-info '"
|                        (gnus-prin1-to-string (gnus-get-info to-group))
|                        ")"))))
|           ;; Update the Xref header in this article to point to
|           ;; the new crossposted article we have just created.
|           (when (eq action 'crosspost)
|             (save-excursion
|               (set-buffer copy-buf)
|               (gnus-request-article-this-buffer article gnus-newsgroup-name)
|               (nnheader-replace-header "Xref" new-xref)
|               (gnus-request-replace-article
|                article gnus-newsgroup-name (current-buffer)))))
|         ;;;!!!Why is this necessary?
|         (set-buffer gnus-summary-buffer)
|         (gnus-summary-goto-subject article)
|         (when (eq action 'move)
|           (gnus-summary-mark-article article gnus-canceled-mark))))
|       (gnus-summary-remove-process-mark article))
|     ;; Re-activate all groups that have been moved to.
|     (while to-groups
|       (save-excursion
|         (set-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
|         (when (gnus-group-goto-group (car to-groups) t)
|           (gnus-group-get-new-news-this-group 1 t))
|         (pop to-groups)))
|     (gnus-kill-buffer copy-buf)
|     (gnus-summary-position-point)
|     (gnus-set-mode-line 'summary)))

Search for the string "kai" to find the places where I added code.
>From looking at it, this seems to be meaningful code, but it doesn't
work right.  I created a group nnml:test with three messages in it.
The first message is marked "O", the second and third are marked "!".
I copied these messages to a (previously empty) group
nnimap:user.grossjoh.test, then had a look at it, and the second
message was unmarked (the others had kept their marks).  I then
deleted all messages from the nnimap group and did the same thing
again.  This time, the third message was unmarked, and the other two
had again kept their marks.

What might be wrong?

The following from the *Messages* buffer shows that
gnus-request-set-mark was called with the right arguments:

,----- *Messages*
| Copying to nnimap:user.grossjoh.test: (4 6 7)...
| kai: set marks: group nnimap:user.grossjoh.test, article 58: (read)
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...done
| kai: set marks: group nnimap:user.grossjoh.test, article 59: (tick)
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...done
| kai: set marks: group nnimap:user.grossjoh.test, article 60: (reply tick)
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...done
| Updating info for mailbox user.grossjoh.test
| [...]
| Copying to nnimap:user.grossjoh.test: (4 6 7)...
| kai: set marks: group nnimap:user.grossjoh.test, article 61: (read)
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...done
| kai: set marks: group nnimap:user.grossjoh.test, article 62: (tick)
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...done
| kai: set marks: group nnimap:user.grossjoh.test, article 63: (reply tick)
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...
| Setting marks in :user.grossjoh.test...done
| Updating info for mailbox user.grossjoh.test

You can quickly see that the calls were the same both times.

Now for the *imap-log* buffer, I have elided all the message contents
for brevity's sake.

,----- *imap-log*
| 38 APPEND "user.grossjoh.test" {1962}
| + go ahead
| [...text elided...]
| * 1 EXISTS
| * 1 RECENT
| 38 OK [APPENDUID 929023644 58] Completed
| 39 UID STORE 58 FLAGS (\Seen)
| * 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent \Seen) UID 58)
| 39 OK Completed
| 40 APPEND "user.grossjoh.test" {4096}
| + go ahead
| [...text elided...]
| 40 OK [APPENDUID 929023644 59] Completed
| 41 UID STORE 59 FLAGS (\Flagged)
| * 2 EXISTS
| * 2 RECENT
| 41 OK Completed
| 42 APPEND "user.grossjoh.test" {4320}
| + go ahead
| [...text elided...]
| * 3 EXISTS
| * 3 RECENT
| 42 OK [APPENDUID 929023644 60] Completed
| 43 UID STORE 60 FLAGS (\Flagged \Answered)
| * 3 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent \Answered \Flagged) UID 60)
| 43 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 59 60
| 44 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 58
| 45 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 60
| 46 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 60
| 47 OK Completed
| 48 UID SEARCH KEYWORD gnus-dormant
| 48 OK Completed
| 49 FETCH 1,* UID
| * 1 FETCH (UID 58)
| * 3 FETCH (UID 60)
| 49 OK Completed
| * 3 EXISTS
| * 3 RECENT
| 50 OK Completed
| 51 CLOSE
| 51 OK Completed
| 52 SELECT user.grossjoh.test
| * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen gnus-dormant)
| * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen gnus-dormant \*)] 
| * 3 EXISTS
| * 0 RECENT
| * OK [UNSEEN 2] 
| * OK [UIDVALIDITY 929023644] 
| 52 OK [READ-WRITE] Completed
| * SEARCH 59 60
| 53 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 58
| 54 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 60
| 55 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 60
| 56 OK Completed
| 57 UID SEARCH KEYWORD gnus-dormant
| 57 OK Completed
| 58 FETCH 1,* UID
| * 1 FETCH (UID 58)
| * 3 FETCH (UID 60)
| 58 OK Completed
| * 3 EXISTS
| * 0 RECENT
| 59 OK Completed
| 60 CLOSE
| 60 OK Completed
| 61 SELECT user.grossjoh.test
| * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen gnus-dormant)
| * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen gnus-dormant \*)] 
| * 3 EXISTS
| * 0 RECENT
| * OK [UNSEEN 2] 
| * OK [UIDVALIDITY 929023644] 
| 61 OK [READ-WRITE] Completed
| * SEARCH 59 60
| 62 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 58
| 63 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 60
| 64 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 60
| 65 OK Completed
| 66 UID SEARCH KEYWORD gnus-dormant
| 66 OK Completed
| 67 UID STORE 1:57,60 +FLAGS (\Seen)
| * 3 FETCH (FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Seen) UID 60)
| 67 OK Completed
| 68 UID FETCH 1:* UID
| * 1 FETCH (UID 58)
| * 2 FETCH (UID 59)
| * 3 FETCH (UID 60)
| 68 OK Completed
| * 1 FETCH (UID 58 RFC822.SIZE 1962 ENVELOPE ("11 Mar 1999 13:06:06 +0100" "Number of documents at http://www.pcworld.com/pcwtoday/" ((NIL NIL "Kai.Grossjohann" "CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE")) ((NIL NIL "Kai.Grossjohann" "CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE")) ((NIL NIL "Kai.Grossjohann" "CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE")) ((NIL NIL "Webmaster" "pcworld.com")) NIL NIL NIL "<vafpv6gi635.fsf@ramses.cs.uni-dortmund.de>") BODY ("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "iso-8859-1") NIL NIL "QUOTED-PRINTABLE" 1512 34) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (References)] {2}
| )
| * 2 FETCH (UID 59 RFC822.SIZE 4096 ENVELOPE ("Mon, 15 Mar 1999 17:12:04 -0800" "Re: Number of documents at http://www.pcworld.com/pcwtoday/" ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "Kai.Grossjohann" "CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE")) NIL NIL NIL "<88256736.00072044.00@pcwmail.pcworld.com>") BODY (("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7BIT" 1727 51)("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "iso-8859-1") NIL NIL "QUOTED-PRINTABLE" 255 9)("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7BIT" 39 6) "MIXED") BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (References)] {59}
| References: <vafpv6gi635.fsf@ramses.cs.uni-dortmund.de>
| )
| * 3 FETCH (UID 60 RFC822.SIZE 4320 ENVELOPE ("Tue, 16 Mar 1999 10:15:25 -0800" "Re: Number of documents at http://www.pcworld.com/pcwtoday/" ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "Kai.Grossjohann" "CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE")) NIL NIL NIL "<88256736.0064F704.00@pcwmail.pcworld.com>") BODY (("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7BIT" 1940 58)("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "iso-8859-1") NIL NIL "QUOTED-PRINTABLE" 255 9)("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7BIT" 51 12) "MIXED") BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (References)] {58}
| References: <88256736.00072044.00@pcwmail.pcworld.com>
| )
| 69 OK Completed
| 70 UID STORE 58:60 +FLAGS (\Deleted)
| * 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) UID 58)
| * 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted) UID 59)
| * 3 FETCH (FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen) UID 60)
| 70 OK Completed
| 71 UID STORE 59 +FLAGS (\Seen)
| * 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) UID 59)
| 71 OK Completed
| 72 UID STORE 60 -FLAGS (\Flagged)
| * 3 FETCH (FLAGS (\Answered \Deleted \Seen) UID 60)
| 72 OK Completed
| * 0 EXISTS
| * 0 RECENT
| 73 OK Completed
| 74 CLOSE
| 74 OK Completed
| 75 APPEND "user.grossjoh.test" {1962}
| + go ahead
| [...text elided...]
| 75 OK [APPENDUID 929023644 61] Completed
| 76 SELECT user.grossjoh.test
| * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen gnus-dormant)
| * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen gnus-dormant \*)] 
| * 1 EXISTS
| * 1 RECENT
| * OK [UNSEEN 1] 
| * OK [UIDVALIDITY 929023644] 
| 76 OK [READ-WRITE] Completed
| 77 UID STORE 61 FLAGS (\Seen)
| * 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent \Seen) UID 61)
| 77 OK Completed
| 78 APPEND "user.grossjoh.test" {4096}
| + go ahead
| [...text elided...]
| * 2 EXISTS
| * 2 RECENT
| 78 OK [APPENDUID 929023644 62] Completed
| 79 UID STORE 62 FLAGS (\Flagged)
| * 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent \Flagged) UID 62)
| 79 OK Completed
| 80 APPEND "user.grossjoh.test" {4320}
| + go ahead
| [...text elided...]
| 80 OK [APPENDUID 929023644 63] Completed
| 81 UID STORE 63 FLAGS (\Flagged \Answered)
| * 3 EXISTS
| * 3 RECENT
| 81 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 62 63
| 82 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 61
| 83 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 62
| 84 OK Completed
| 85 OK Completed
| 86 UID SEARCH KEYWORD gnus-dormant
| 86 OK Completed
| 87 FETCH 1,* UID
| * 1 FETCH (UID 61)
| * 3 FETCH (UID 63)
| 87 OK Completed
| * 3 EXISTS
| * 3 RECENT
| 88 OK Completed
| 89 CLOSE
| 89 OK Completed
| 90 SELECT user.grossjoh.test
| * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen gnus-dormant)
| * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen gnus-dormant \*)] 
| * 3 EXISTS
| * 0 RECENT
| * OK [UNSEEN 2] 
| * OK [UIDVALIDITY 929023644] 
| 90 OK [READ-WRITE] Completed
| * SEARCH 62 63
| 91 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 61
| 92 OK Completed
| * SEARCH 62
| 93 OK Completed
| 94 OK Completed
| 95 UID SEARCH KEYWORD gnus-dormant
| 95 OK Completed
| 96 UID STORE 62 +FLAGS (\Seen)
| * 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Flagged \Seen) UID 62)
| 96 OK Completed
| 97 UID FETCH 1:* UID
| * 1 FETCH (UID 61)
| * 2 FETCH (UID 62)
| * 3 FETCH (UID 63)
| 97 OK Completed
| * 1 FETCH (UID 61 RFC822.SIZE 1962 ENVELOPE ("11 Mar 1999 13:06:06 +0100" "Number of documents at http://www.pcworld.com/pcwtoday/" ((NIL NIL "Kai.Grossjohann" "CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE")) ((NIL NIL "Kai.Grossjohann" "CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE")) ((NIL NIL "Kai.Grossjohann" "CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE")) ((NIL NIL "Webmaster" "pcworld.com")) NIL NIL NIL "<vafpv6gi635.fsf@ramses.cs.uni-dortmund.de>") BODY ("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "iso-8859-1") NIL NIL "QUOTED-PRINTABLE" 1512 34) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (References)] {2}
| )
| * 2 FETCH (UID 62 RFC822.SIZE 4096 ENVELOPE ("Mon, 15 Mar 1999 17:12:04 -0800" "Re: Number of documents at http://www.pcworld.com/pcwtoday/" ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "Kai.Grossjohann" "CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE")) NIL NIL NIL "<88256736.00072044.00@pcwmail.pcworld.com>") BODY (("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7BIT" 1727 51)("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "iso-8859-1") NIL NIL "QUOTED-PRINTABLE" 255 9)("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7BIT" 39 6) "MIXED") BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (References)] {59}
| References: <vafpv6gi635.fsf@ramses.cs.uni-dortmund.de>
| )
| * 3 FETCH (UID 63 RFC822.SIZE 4320 ENVELOPE ("Tue, 16 Mar 1999 10:15:25 -0800" "Re: Number of documents at http://www.pcworld.com/pcwtoday/" ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "WebMaster" "pcworld.com")) ((NIL NIL "Kai.Grossjohann" "CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE")) NIL NIL NIL "<88256736.0064F704.00@pcwmail.pcworld.com>") BODY (("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7BIT" 1940 58)("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "iso-8859-1") NIL NIL "QUOTED-PRINTABLE" 255 9)("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7BIT" 51 12) "MIXED") BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (References)] {58}
| References: <88256736.00072044.00@pcwmail.pcworld.com>
| )
| 98 OK Completed
| 99 UID STORE 61:63 +FLAGS (\Deleted)
| * 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) UID 61)
| * 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Flagged \Deleted \Seen) UID 62)
| * 3 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted) UID 63)
| 99 OK Completed
| 100 UID STORE 63 +FLAGS (\Seen)
| * 3 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) UID 63)
| 100 OK Completed
| 101 UID STORE 62 -FLAGS (\Flagged)
| * 2 FETCH (FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen) UID 62)
| 101 OK Completed
| * 0 EXISTS
| * 0 RECENT
| 102 OK Completed
| 103 CLOSE
| 103 OK Completed

And, finally, the *nnimap-debug* buffer...

,----- *nnimap-debug*
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-accept-article: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" last=nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| 1 <- nnimap-request-accept-article: ("user.grossjoh.test" . 58)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((58) set (read))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(58)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "58"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(read) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(read)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Seen")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-accept-article: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" last=nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| 1 <- nnimap-request-accept-article: ("user.grossjoh.test" . 59)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((59) set (tick))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(59)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "59"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(tick) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(tick)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Flagged")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-accept-article: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" last=t
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| 1 <- nnimap-request-accept-article: ("user.grossjoh.test" . 60)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((60) set (reply tick))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(60)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "60"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(tick reply) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(tick reply)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(reply) always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(reply)
| | | | | | 6 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | | | 7 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | | | | 7 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | | | | 6 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | | | | 6 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | | | 7 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | | | 7 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | | | 6 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Answered")
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: ("\\Answered")
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Flagged" "\\Answered")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged \\Answered"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" fast=nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-request-update-info-internal: group="user.grossjoh.test" info=("nnimap:user.grossjoh.test" 3 ((58 . 60)) ((reply 60) (tick (59 . 60)) (score (55 . 100))) (nnimap "") ((uidvalidity . "929023644"))) server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=uidvalidity value=nil alist=((uidvalidity . "929023644"))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=read group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=tick group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "FLAGGED"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=tick value=(60) alist=((reply 60) (tick (59 . 60)) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((tick 60) (reply 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=reply group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=reply
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "ANSWERED"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=reply value=(60) alist=((tick 60) (reply 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=expire group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=expire always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=expire
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-expire"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=expire always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=expire
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=killed group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=killed always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=killed
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-killed"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=killed always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=killed
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=bookmark group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=bookmark always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=bookmark
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=bookmark always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=bookmark
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=dormant group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=dormant always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=dormant
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-dormant"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=dormant always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=dormant
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=dormant
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "KEYWORD gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=dormant value=nil alist=((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=score group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=score always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=score
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-score"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=score always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=score
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=save group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=save always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=save
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-save"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=save always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=save
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=cache group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=cache always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=cache
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-cache"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=cache always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=cache
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=download group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=download always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=download
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-download"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=download always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=download
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=unsend group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=unsend always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=unsend
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-unsend"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-unsend"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=unsend always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=unsend
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-unsend"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-unsend"
| | 2 <- nnimap-request-update-info-internal: ("nnimap:user.grossjoh.test" 3 ((58 . 58)) ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100))) (nnimap "") nil)
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-find-minmax-uid: group="user.grossjoh.test" examine=nil
| | 2 <- nnimap-find-minmax-uid: (3 58 60)
| 1 <- nnimap-request-group: t
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-close-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-expunge-close-group: server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-expunge-close-group: t
| 1 <- nnimap-close-group: t
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-scan: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-split-articles: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | | 3 -> nnimap-split-find-inbox: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-split-find-inbox: nil
| | 2 <- nnimap-split-articles: t
| 1 <- nnimap-request-scan: t
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" fast=nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-request-update-info-internal: group="user.grossjoh.test" info=("nnimap:user.grossjoh.test" 3 ((58 . 58)) ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100))) (nnimap "") nil) server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=uidvalidity value=nil alist=nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-verify-uidvalidity: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-verify-uidvalidity: t
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: "user.grossjoh.test"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=read group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=tick group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "FLAGGED"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=tick value=(60) alist=((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((tick 60) (reply 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=reply group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=reply
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "ANSWERED"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=reply value=(60) alist=((tick 60) (reply 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=expire group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=expire always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=expire
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-expire"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=expire always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=expire
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=killed group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=killed always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=killed
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-killed"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=killed always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=killed
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=bookmark group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=bookmark always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=bookmark
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=bookmark always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=bookmark
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=dormant group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=dormant always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=dormant
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-dormant"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=dormant always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=dormant
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=dormant
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "KEYWORD gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=dormant value=nil alist=((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=score group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=score always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=score
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-score"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=score always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=score
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=save group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=save always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=save
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-save"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=save always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=save
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=cache group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=cache always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=cache
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-cache"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=cache always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=cache
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=download group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=download always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=download
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-download"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=download always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=download
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=unsend group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=unsend always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=unsend
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-unsend"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-unsend"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=unsend always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=unsend
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-unsend"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-unsend"
| | 2 <- nnimap-request-update-info-internal: ("nnimap:user.grossjoh.test" 3 ((58 . 58)) ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100))) (nnimap "") ((uidvalidity . "929023644")))
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-find-minmax-uid: group="user.grossjoh.test" examine=nil
| | 2 <- nnimap-find-minmax-uid: (3 58 60)
| 1 <- nnimap-request-group: t
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-close-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-expunge-close-group: server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-expunge-close-group: t
| 1 <- nnimap-close-group: t
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" fast=t
| | 2 -> nnimap-request-update-info-internal: group="user.grossjoh.test" info=("nnimap:user.grossjoh.test" 3 ((58 . 58)) ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100))) (nnimap "") ((uidvalidity . "929023644"))) server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=uidvalidity value=nil alist=((uidvalidity . "929023644"))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-verify-uidvalidity: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-verify-uidvalidity: t
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: "user.grossjoh.test"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=read group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=tick group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "FLAGGED"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=tick value=(60) alist=((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((tick 60) (reply 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=reply group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=reply
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "ANSWERED"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=reply value=(60) alist=((tick 60) (reply 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=expire group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=expire always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=expire
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-expire"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=expire always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=expire
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=killed group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=killed always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=killed
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-killed"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=killed always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=killed
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=bookmark group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=bookmark always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=bookmark
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=bookmark always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=bookmark
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=dormant group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=dormant always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=dormant
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-dormant"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=dormant always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=dormant
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=dormant
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "KEYWORD gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=dormant value=nil alist=((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=score group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=score always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=score
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-score"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=score always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=score
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=save group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=save always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=save
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-save"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=save always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=save
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=cache group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=cache always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=cache
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-cache"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=cache always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=cache
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=download group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=download always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=download
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-download"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=download always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=download
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=unsend group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=unsend always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=unsend
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-unsend"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-unsend"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=unsend always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=unsend
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-unsend"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-unsend"
| | 2 <- nnimap-request-update-info-internal: ("nnimap:user.grossjoh.test" 3 ((58 . 58)) ((reply 60) (tick 60) (score (55 . 100))) (nnimap "") ((uidvalidity . "929023644")))
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| 1 <- nnimap-request-group: t
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=((((1 . 57) 60) add (read))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=((1 . 57) 60)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "1:57,60"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(read) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(read)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Seen")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers: articles=(58 59 60) group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" fetch-old=t
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-get-uids: articles=(58 59 60) fetch-old=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: 
| | | 3 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: (58)
| | | 3 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: 
| | | 3 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: (59 58)
| | | 3 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: 
| | | 3 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: (60 59 58)
| | 2 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-get-uids: (58 59 60)
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=((58 . 60))
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "58:60"
| | 2 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: 
| | 2 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: 
| | 2 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: 
| | 2 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: nil
| 1 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers: nov
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-expire-articles: articles=(58 59 60) group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" force=force
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(58 . 60)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "58:60"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-expire-articles: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((59) add (read))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(59)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "59"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(read) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(read)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Seen")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((60) del (tick))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(60)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "60"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(tick) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(tick)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Flagged")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-close-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-expunge-close-group: server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-expunge-close-group: t
| 1 <- nnimap-close-group: t
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-accept-article: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" last=nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| 1 <- nnimap-request-accept-article: ("user.grossjoh.test" . 61)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((61) set (read))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | | 3 -> nnimap-verify-uidvalidity: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-verify-uidvalidity: t
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: "user.grossjoh.test"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(61)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "61"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(read) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(read)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Seen")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-accept-article: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" last=nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| 1 <- nnimap-request-accept-article: ("user.grossjoh.test" . 62)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((62) set (tick))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(62)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "62"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(tick) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(tick)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Flagged")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-accept-article: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" last=t
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| 1 <- nnimap-request-accept-article: ("user.grossjoh.test" . 63)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((63) set (reply tick))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(63)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "63"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(tick reply) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(tick reply)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(reply) always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(reply)
| | | | | | 6 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | | | 7 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | | | | 7 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | | | | 6 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | | | | 6 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | | | 7 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | | | 7 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | | | 6 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Answered")
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: ("\\Answered")
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Flagged" "\\Answered")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged \\Answered"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" fast=nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-request-update-info-internal: group="user.grossjoh.test" info=("nnimap:user.grossjoh.test" 3 ((1 . 63)) ((tick (62 . 63)) (score (58 . 100)) (reply 60 63)) (nnimap "") ((uidvalidity . "929023644"))) server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=uidvalidity value=nil alist=((uidvalidity . "929023644"))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=read group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=tick group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "FLAGGED"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=tick value=(62) alist=((tick (62 . 63)) (score (58 . 100)) (reply 60 63))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)) (reply 60 63))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=reply group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=reply
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "ANSWERED"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=reply value=nil alist=((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)) (reply 60 63))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=expire group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=expire always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=expire
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-expire"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=expire always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=expire
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=killed group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=killed always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=killed
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-killed"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=killed always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=killed
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=bookmark group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=bookmark always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=bookmark
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=bookmark always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=bookmark
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=dormant group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=dormant always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=dormant
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-dormant"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=dormant always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=dormant
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=dormant
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "KEYWORD gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=dormant value=nil alist=((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=score group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=score always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=score
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-score"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=score always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=score
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=save group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=save always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=save
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-save"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=save always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=save
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=cache group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=cache always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=cache
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-cache"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=cache always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=cache
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=download group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=download always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=download
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-download"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=download always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=download
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=unsend group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=unsend always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=unsend
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-unsend"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-unsend"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=unsend always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=unsend
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-unsend"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-unsend"
| | 2 <- nnimap-request-update-info-internal: ("nnimap:user.grossjoh.test" 3 ((1 . 61)) ((tick 62) (score (58 . 100))) (nnimap "") nil)
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-find-minmax-uid: group="user.grossjoh.test" examine=nil
| | 2 <- nnimap-find-minmax-uid: (3 61 63)
| 1 <- nnimap-request-group: t
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-close-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-expunge-close-group: server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-expunge-close-group: t
| 1 <- nnimap-close-group: t
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" fast=t
| | 2 -> nnimap-request-update-info-internal: group="user.grossjoh.test" info=("nnimap:user.grossjoh.test" 3 ((1 . 61)) ((tick 62) (score (58 . 100))) (nnimap "") nil) server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=uidvalidity value=nil alist=nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-verify-uidvalidity: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-verify-uidvalidity: t
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: "user.grossjoh.test"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=read group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=tick group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "FLAGGED"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=tick value=(62) alist=((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=reply group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=reply always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=reply
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Answered"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=reply
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "ANSWERED"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=reply value=nil alist=((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=expire group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=expire always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=expire
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-expire"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=expire always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=expire
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-expire"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=killed group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=killed always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=killed
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-killed"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=killed always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=killed
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-killed"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=bookmark group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=bookmark always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=bookmark
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=bookmark always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=bookmark
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-bookmark"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=dormant group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=dormant always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=dormant
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-dormant"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=dormant always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=dormant
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-predicate: pred=dormant
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-predicate: "KEYWORD gnus-dormant"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-update-alist-soft: key=dormant value=nil alist=((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)))
| | | 3 <- nnimap-update-alist-soft: ((tick 62) (score (58 . 100)))
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=score group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=score always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=score
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-score"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=score always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=score
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-score"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=save group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=save always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=save
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-save"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=save always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=save
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-save"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=cache group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=cache always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=cache
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-cache"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=cache always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=cache
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-cache"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=download group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=download always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=download
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-download"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=download always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=download
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-download"
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-permanent-p: mark=unsend group=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=unsend always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=unsend
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-unsend"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-unsend"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-permanent-p: ("\\*")
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=unsend always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=unsend
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "gnus-unsend"
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "gnus-unsend"
| | 2 <- nnimap-request-update-info-internal: ("nnimap:user.grossjoh.test" 3 ((1 . 61)) ((tick 62) (score (58 . 100))) (nnimap "") ((uidvalidity . "929023644")))
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| 1 <- nnimap-request-group: t
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((62) add (read))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(62)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "62"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(read) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(read)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Seen")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers: articles=(61 62 63) group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" fetch-old=t
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-get-uids: articles=(61 62 63) fetch-old=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: 
| | | 3 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: (61)
| | | 3 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: 
| | | 3 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: (62 61)
| | | 3 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: 
| | | 3 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-store-uids: (63 62 61)
| | 2 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-get-uids: (61 62 63)
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=((61 . 63))
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "61:63"
| | 2 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: 
| | 2 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: 
| | 2 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: nil
| | 2 -> nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: 
| | 2 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers-progress: nil
| 1 <- nnimap-retrieve-headers: nov
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-expire-articles: articles=(61 62 63) group="user.grossjoh.test" server="" force=force
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(61 . 63)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "61:63"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-expire-articles: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((63) add (read))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(63)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "63"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(read) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(read)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=read always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=read
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Seen")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Seen"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-server-opened: server=""
| 1 <- nnimap-server-opened: (open run)
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-request-set-mark: group="user.grossjoh.test" actions=(((62) del (tick))) server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-possibly-change-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-possibly-change-group: t
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | 2 -> nnimap-range-to-string: range=(62)
| | 2 <- nnimap-range-to-string: "62"
| | 2 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=(tick) always-list=nil make-string=t
| | | 3 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=(tick)
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=tick always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=tick
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| | | | 4 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag: preds=nil always-list=nil make-string=nil
| | | | | 5 -> nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: preds=nil
| | | | | 5 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: nil
| | | | 4 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: nil
| | | 3 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag-1: ("\\Flagged")
| | 2 <- nnimap-mark-to-flag: "\\Flagged"
| 1 <- nnimap-request-set-mark: nil
| ======================================================================
| 1 -> nnimap-close-group: group="user.grossjoh.test" server=""
| | 2 -> nnimap-expunge-close-group: server=""
| | | 3 -> nnimap-possibly-change-server: server=""
| | | 3 <- nnimap-possibly-change-server: " *nnimap* "
| | 2 <- nnimap-expunge-close-group: t
| 1 <- nnimap-close-group: t

I wonder where are the nnimap-request-set-mark calls coming from where
the action is to delete the mark?

Anyway, even though this is lots of information, I hope it will help
someone understand what's going on.

Abort this operation?   [OK]  [Cancel]