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Re: 0.99 deleted UNSEEN messages from my INBOX

Simon, Thanks for the patch.

Simon Josefsson <jas@pdc.kth.se> writes:
> > My split setting is like below, is this any peculiar?
> > (setq nnimap-split-inbox '("INBOX")
> >       nnimap-split-rule '(("mag2" "^From:.*mag2.*tegami")
> > 			  ("ml" "^From:.*devinfo@net")))
> You don't have a empty regexp matching "everything else". This is
> wrong according to the documentation, but in practice I think it has
> worked previously and 0.99 changed that.

OK, sorry. I vaguely remember that I read about that somewhere,
maybe in this mailing list. But I saw a sample in nnimap.el below:

(setq nnimap-split-rule '((\"INBOX.gnus-imap\"   \"From:.*gnus-imap\")
			  (\"INBOX.junk\"        \"Subject:.*buy\")))

and assumed my setting is OK.

Katsumi INOUE