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nnimap 0.127 -> 0.128 patches

Index: nnimap/ChangeLog
diff -u nnimap/ChangeLog:1.268 nnimap/ChangeLog:1.271
--- nnimap/ChangeLog:1.268	Sun Aug  8 18:26:59 1999
+++ nnimap/ChangeLog	Wed Aug 11 17:19:02 1999
@@ -1,3 +1,34 @@
+1999-08-12  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* nnimap 0.128 released.
+	* nnimap.el (nnimap-callback-callback-function): New variable.
+	(nnimap-demule): Handle null argument.
+	(nnimap-callback): New function.
+	(nnimap-request-article-part): Use it.
+	(nnimap-asynchronous-p): New backend function.
+1999-08-11  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* imap.el (imap-fetch-asynch): New function.
+	(imap-current-message): New function.
+1999-08-11  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* imap.el (imap-search): Check that a SEARCH response was
+	received.
+	* nnimap.el (nnimap-retrieve-headers): Handle when there's no
+	articles to fetch.
+1999-08-10  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
+	* nnimap.el (nnimap-request-list-method): Defvar.
+1999-08-09  Kai.Grossjohann@CS.Uni-Dortmund.DE (Kai Großjohann)
+	* imap.el (imap-cram-md5-auth): Use base64-{en,de}code-string.
 1999-08-09  Simon Josefsson  <jas@pdc.kth.se>
 	* nnimap 0.127 released.
Index: nnimap/imap.el
diff -u nnimap/imap.el:1.162 nnimap/imap.el:1.165
--- nnimap/imap.el:1.162	Sun Aug  8 18:17:22 1999
+++ nnimap/imap.el	Wed Aug 11 16:27:25 1999
@@ -544,10 +544,10 @@
 	(lambda (challenge)
-	  (let* ((decoded (base64-decode challenge))
+	  (let* ((decoded (base64-decode-string challenge))
 		 (hash (rfc2104-hash 'md5 64 16 passwd decoded))
 		 (response (concat user " " hash))
-		 (encoded (base64-encode response)))
+		 (encoded (base64-encode-string response)))
 (defun imap-login-p (buffer)
@@ -959,6 +959,10 @@
 ;; Message functions:
+(defun imap-current-message (&optional buffer)
+  (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
+    imap-current-message))
 (defun imap-list-to-message-set (list)
   (mapconcat (lambda (item)
 	       (number-to-string item))
@@ -967,6 +971,14 @@
 	       (list list))
+(defun imap-fetch-asynch (uids props &optional nouidfetch buffer)
+  (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
+    (imap-send-command (format "%sFETCH %s %s" (if nouidfetch "" "UID ")
+			       (if (listp uids)
+				   (imap-list-to-message-set uids)
+				 uids)
+			       props))))
 (defun imap-fetch (uids props &optional receive nouidfetch buffer)
   "Fetch properties PROPS from message set UIDS from server in
 BUFFER. UIDS can be a string, number or a list of numbers. If RECEIVE
@@ -1061,9 +1073,11 @@
 (defun imap-search (predicate &optional buffer)
   (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
-    (imap-mailbox-put 'search nil)
+    (imap-mailbox-put 'search 'dummy)
     (when (imap-ok-p (imap-send-command-wait (concat "UID SEARCH " predicate)))
-      (imap-mailbox-get 'search))))
+      (if (eq (imap-mailbox-get 'search) 'dummy)
+	  (error "Missing SEARCH response to a SEARCH command")
+	(imap-mailbox-get 'search)))))
 (defun imap-message-flag-permanent-p (flag &optional mailbox buffer)
   "Return t iff FLAG can be permanently (between IMAP sessions) saved
Index: nnimap/nnimap.el
diff -u nnimap/nnimap.el:1.216 nnimap/nnimap.el:1.220
--- nnimap/nnimap.el:1.216	Sun Aug  8 18:28:40 1999
+++ nnimap/nnimap.el	Wed Aug 11 16:48:43 1999
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
 ;;   o Split up big fetches (1,* header especially) in smaller chunks
 ;;   o What do I do with gnus-newsgroup-*?
 ;;   o Tell Gnus about new groups (how can we tell?)
-;;   o Add asynchronous support
 ;;   o Respooling (fix Gnus?) (unnecessery?)
 ;;   o Add support for the following: (if applicable)
 ;;       request-list-newsgroups, request-regenerate
@@ -69,6 +68,7 @@
 (require 'nnheader)
 (require 'mm-util)
 (require 'gnus)
+(require 'gnus-async)
 (require 'gnus-range)
 (require 'gnus-start)
 (require 'gnus-int)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 (gnus-declare-backend "nnimap" 'post-mail 'address 'prompt-address
-(defconst nnimap-version "nnimap 0.127")
+(defconst nnimap-version "nnimap 0.128")
 (defvoo nnimap-address nil
   "Address of physical IMAP server.  If nil, use the virtual server's name.")
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
 before using data stored in NOV cache."
   :type 'boolean)
-(deffoo nnimap-request-list-method 'imap-mailbox-list
+(defvar nnimap-request-list-method 'imap-mailbox-list
   "Method to use to request a list of all folders from the server.
 If this is 'imap-mailbox-lsub, then use a server-side subscription list to
 restrict visible folders.")
@@ -268,6 +268,8 @@
 (defvar nnimap-progress-chars '(?| ?/ ?- ?\\))
 (defvar nnimap-progress-how-often 20)
 (defvar nnimap-counter)
+(defvar nnimap-callback-callback-function nil
+  "Gnus callback the nnimap asynchronous callback should call.")
 ;; Various server variables.
@@ -483,33 +485,36 @@
       (if (nnimap-use-nov-p group server)
 	   (gnus-compress-sequence articles) group server)
-	(let* ((uids (nnimap-retrieve-which-headers articles fetch-old))
-	       cached (low (car uids)) (high (car (last uids))))
-	  (if (setq cached (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-file group server))
-	      (progn
-		;; fetch articles with uids before cache block
-		(when (< low (car cached))
-		  (goto-char (point-min))
-		  (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server
-		   (cons low (1- (car cached))) group server))
-		;; fetch articles with uids after cache block
-		(when (> high (cdr cached))
-		  (goto-char (point-max))
-		  (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server
-		   (cons (1+ (cdr cached)) high) group server))
-		(when nnimap-prune-cache
-		  ;; remove nov's for articles which has expired on server
-		  (goto-char (point-min))
-		  (dolist (uid (gnus-set-difference articles uids))
-		    (when (re-search-forward (format "^%d\t" uid) nil t)
-		      (gnus-delete-line)))))
-	    ;; nothing cached, fetch whole range from server
-	    (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server (cons low high) group server))
-	  (when (buffer-modified-p)
-	    (nnmail-write-region 1 (point-max)
-				 (nnimap-group-overview-filename group server)
-				 nil 'nomesg))
-	  (nnheader-nov-delete-outside-range low high)))
+	(let (uids cached low high)
+	  (when (setq uids (nnimap-retrieve-which-headers articles fetch-old)
+		      low (car uids)
+		      high (car (last uids)))
+	    (if (setq cached (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-file group server))
+		(progn
+		  ;; fetch articles with uids before cache block
+		  (when (< low (car cached))
+		    (goto-char (point-min))
+		    (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server
+		     (cons low (1- (car cached))) group server))
+		  ;; fetch articles with uids after cache block
+		  (when (> high (cdr cached))
+		    (goto-char (point-max))
+		    (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server
+		     (cons (1+ (cdr cached)) high) group server))
+		  (when nnimap-prune-cache
+		    ;; remove nov's for articles which has expired on server
+		    (goto-char (point-min))
+		    (dolist (uid (gnus-set-difference articles uids))
+		      (when (re-search-forward (format "^%d\t" uid) nil t)
+			(gnus-delete-line)))))
+	      ;; nothing cached, fetch whole range from server
+	      (nnimap-retrieve-headers-from-server
+	       (cons low high) group server))
+	    (when (buffer-modified-p)
+	      (nnmail-write-region
+	       1 (point-max) (nnimap-group-overview-filename group server)
+	       nil 'nomesg))
+	    (nnheader-nov-delete-outside-range low high))))
 (defun nnimap-open-connection (server)
@@ -599,29 +604,46 @@
 		    (subrp (symbol-function 'string-as-multibyte)))
-	   string))
+	   (or string "")))
+(defun nnimap-callback ()
+  (remove-hook 'imap-fetch-data-hook 'nnimap-callback)
+  (with-current-buffer gnus-async-prefetch-article-buffer
+    (insert
+     (with-current-buffer nnimap-server-buffer
+       (nnimap-demule (imap-message-get (imap-current-message) 'RFC822)))) ;xxx
+    (nnheader-ms-strip-cr)
+    (funcall nnimap-callback-callback-function t)))
 (defun nnimap-request-article-part (article part prop
 					    &optional group server to-buffer)
   (when (nnimap-possibly-change-group group server)
-    (with-current-buffer (or to-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
-      (erase-buffer)
-      (and (stringp article)
-	   (setq article (car-safe (imap-search
-				    (format "HEADER Message-Id %s" article)
-				    nnimap-server-buffer))))
+    (let ((article (if (stringp article)
+		       (car-safe (imap-search
+				  (format "HEADER Message-Id %s" article)
+				  nnimap-server-buffer))
+		     article)))
       (when article
 	(gnus-message 9 "nnimap: Fetching (part of) article %d..." article)
-	(insert (nnimap-demule
-		 (or (imap-fetch article part prop nil nnimap-server-buffer)
-		     "")))
-	(nnheader-ms-strip-cr)
-	(gnus-message 9 "nnimap: Fetching (part of) article %d...done"
-		      article))
-      (if (bobp)
-	  (nnheader-report 'nnimap "No such article: %s"
-			   (imap-error-text nnimap-server-buffer))
-	(cons group article)))))
+	(if (not nnheader-callback-function)
+	    (with-current-buffer (or to-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+	      (erase-buffer)
+	      (insert (nnimap-demule (imap-fetch article part prop nil
+						 nnimap-server-buffer)))
+	      (nnheader-ms-strip-cr)
+	      (gnus-message 9 "nnimap: Fetching (part of) article %d...done"
+			    article)
+	      (if (bobp)
+		  (nnheader-report 'nnimap "No such article: %s"
+				   (imap-error-text nnimap-server-buffer))
+		(cons group article)))
+	  (add-hook 'imap-fetch-data-hook 'nnimap-callback)
+	  (setq nnimap-callback-callback-function nnheader-callback-function)
+	  (imap-fetch-asynch article part nil nnimap-server-buffer)
+	  (cons group article))))))
+(deffoo nnimap-asynchronous-p ()
+  t)
 (deffoo nnimap-request-article (article &optional group server to-buffer)