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Re: error when connection goes down while plugged

Simon Josefsson <jas@pdc.kth.se> writes:
> Dan Christensen <jdc@jhu.edu> writes:
> > Sometimes my dialup connection goes down while I am plugged (often
> > because I absentmindedly bring it down without first doing `J j').
> > Once this happens, attempting to do `J j' gives the enclosed
> > backtrace.  The only way I have found to continue using Gnus is to
> > exit and restart.  Reconnecting to my ISP doesn't help.  Would it be
> > possible to trap this error and allow me to proceed?  I may run
> > into trouble with my imap groups, but I should still be able to
> > read my agentized news.
> > 
> > Signaling: (file-error "writing to process" "network is unreachable" #<process imap>)
> I think this error is valid as that's what actually happened. Perhaps
> it could be caught and a nicer error message be displayed though, I'll
> repeat it at home and see how it can be done...

Also, I have to hit C-g after the error appears, which is a little

But more importantly, I also found that I'm unable to exit Gnus after
this error occurs.

> After this, the server is flag as "denied" in the server buffer (press
> `^' in the group buffer) which is why nothing seem to work any
> more. When you've reconnected, you can press `R' in the server buffer
> the reset deniededness of servers, and things should work again and
> you shouldn't have to exit and restart Gnus.

It would be better if I could proceed without reconnecting, but since
I can't become unplugged, I am unable to read *any* of my groups using
the agent (not even groups from other servers).

I think J j should bring me to the unplugged state, even if the
connection is already down.
