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Re: Shared folders

Watching this thread, I'd like to make a little comment.  We have quite
a few read-only and read/write Cyrus shared folders, or "bulletin boards".
Actually, having some flags per folder has been helpful in a number of
cases.  When the folder is read/write, then "ticking" an article marks
it as "important" or "special" to other IMAP mail clients.  This has 
been helpful to many if they deliberately wanted to point out a message
to the other members with read/write access to this folder.  I've seen
this be the case on many of our BBs.

I can see where folks might not like this behavior.  Though, and I guess
it is because we're used to it, I'm inclined to think that the behavior
in Cyrus should not be altered.  I suppose this is to be ultimately 
determined by the folks working on the IMAP extensions IETF group. 
We'll see.


>Steinar Bang <sb@metis.no> writes:
>  > There's a difference: in newsgroups, Gnus puts the cool flags in
>  > .newsrc.eld.  Doesn't it try to put them on the server when using
>  > nnimap?
>Yes, but the issue is whether it is per-user or per-message.  Per-user
>and stored on the server is even better than per-user and stored
>locally (with the client).
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