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0.99 deleted UNSEEN messages from my INBOX


I wish I'm the only encounterd this. After updating to
0.99, nnimap began deleting UNSEEN messages from my INBOX
before I ever have a chance to read it!

My split setting is like below, is this any peculiar?

(setq nnimap-split-inbox '("INBOX")
      nnimap-split-rule '(("mag2" "^From:.*mag2.*tegami")
			  ("ml" "^From:.*devinfo@net")))

Most mail didn't match this and those didn't match were
deleted. I looked at *imap-log* and I'm getting suspicious about
the change to nnimap-split-articles in 0.99 below.
I want to tweak and try but I'm little afraid to test against
my real mail server.

!           (dolist (article (imap-search "UNSEEN UNDELETED"))
              (when (nnimap-request-head article)
!               ;; copy article to right group(s)
!               (setq removeorig t)
!               (dolist (to-group (nnimap-split-to-groups rule))
!                 (if (imap-message-copy article to-group nil nil t)
!                     (message "IMAP split moved %s:%s:%d to %s" server inbox
!                              article to-group)
!                   (message "IMAP split failed to move %s:%s:%d to %s" server
!                            inbox article to-group)
!                   (setq removeorig nil)))
!               ;; remove article on success
!               (when removeorig
!                 (setq nnimap-need-expunge t)
!                 (imap-message-flags-add (format "%d" article)
!                                         "\\Seen \\Deleted")))))

Katsumi INOUE