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Novice user doubt

Dear gnus-imapers:

I download your latest gnus-imap version (0.3.12), and configure
everything. All works O.K., the imap-log shows some mail it got, but just
before finishing it displays this message:
No such function: nnimap-request-list-newsgroups
then gnus doesnot end loading.

Here is my .gnus (imap) code:
(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods 
      '((nnimap "" 
		(nnimap-server-address "jbarreir.mailbox.cern.ch")
(setq nnimap-split-inbox "inbox"
      nnimap-server-username "jbarreir")
(setq nnimap-split-rule
      '(("inbox.Ale" "^Sender:.*rmap.*")
	("inbox.other" "")))			

Thanks in advance,

Julio Barreiro <Julio.Barreiro@cern.ch>    |       __o
CERN ALICE Group                           |     _ \<,_
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