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Re: Messages "checking mailbox foo" and "updating info for mailbox bar"

Simon Josefsson <jas@pdc.kth.se> writes:

  > There should be no "updating info for mailbox" messages. I'll explain
  > the differences first.
  > checking mailbox:
  >         Just finds out how many articles there are in the mailbox,
  >         this is done in `nnimap-retrieve-groups'.
  > updating info for mailbox:
  >         Fetches all flags in mailbox from server and updates the Gnus
  >         info, this is done by `nnimap-request-group'.
  > Can you have a look in the server buffer ('^' from *Group*)? I'd bet
  > you've got some strange looking servers such as
  > 'nnimap+foo+nnimap:mailbox' or something.

No, my server buffer looks good:

|      {nnfolder:archive} (closed)
|      {nndraft:} (opened)
|      {nnml:} (opened)
|      {nnimap:} (opened)
|      {nntp:fbi-news} (opened)

I have the following incantation in .gnus for nnimap, by the way:

| ;; nnimap
| (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
|              '(nnimap ""
|                       (nnimap-address "franklin")))

Is it bad to use an empty name for the server?

  > This is due to a bug in `gnus-server-extend-method'. I don't
  > understand what that function is good for at all so I've just removed
  > the call to it and have been just fine for the last 20-30 PGnus
  > versions.

I'll try that and see what happens.

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