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Re: error when connection goes down while plugged

Dan Christensen <jdc@jhu.edu> writes:

> Sometimes my dialup connection goes down while I am plugged (often
> because I absentmindedly bring it down without first doing `J j').
> Once this happens, attempting to do `J j' gives the enclosed
> backtrace.  The only way I have found to continue using Gnus is to
> exit and restart.  Reconnecting to my ISP doesn't help.  Would it be
> possible to trap this error and allow me to proceed?  I may run
> into trouble with my imap groups, but I should still be able to
> read my agentized news.
> Dan
> Signaling: (file-error "writing to process" "network is unreachable" #<process imap>)

I think this error is valid as that's what actually happened. Perhaps
it could be caught and a nicer error message be displayed though, I'll
repeat it at home and see how it can be done...

After this, the server is flag as "denied" in the server buffer (press
`^' in the group buffer) which is why nothing seem to work any
more. When you've reconnected, you can press `R' in the server buffer
the reset deniededness of servers, and things should work again and
you shouldn't have to exit and restart Gnus.